Books, publications - my library
One of my books on economics (2013, 2019, 2023, JP-2000-3)
Books (prof. Martín Carbajo) (55) |
MartÃn ,
A fraternidade universal As raÃzes franciscanas da Fratelli tutti ,
Ed. Editorial Franciscana,
, p. 276
. |
Este livro estuda as raízes franciscanas da fraternidade universal proposta pela encíclica Fratelli tutti. O Papa afirma que “foi o testemunho evangélico de S&atild... (More)
MartÃn ,
La fraternité universelle. Racines franciscaines de Fratelli tutti,
Ed. MédiasPaul,
2023 (ISBN : 9782712216337)
. |
(Online- MédiasPaul) Après la publication de Notre sœur Mère Terre (2020) et To... (More)
(Attached file) |
MartÃn ,
Celebrare la vita: La Regola e il Natale di Greccio (1223-2023),
Ed. Editrice Domenicana Italiana (EDI),
2023 (ISBN 979-12-80562-49-4)
, p. 103
. |
Questo libro si riferisce alla celebrazione, nel 2023, dell'ottavo centenario di due eventi importanti per la famiglia francescana: la conferma della Regola bollata da parte di Papa Onorio II... ( More)
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MartÃn ,
The universal fraternity. Franciscan roots of Fratelli tutti,
ª ed.,
Ed. TAU Publishing,
Phoenix (AZ),
, p. 255
. |
This book studies the Franciscan roots of the universal fraternity proposed by the encyclical Fratelli tutti. The Pope states that “it was the evangelical witness of St. Francis, with h... (More)
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MartÃn ,
La fraternità universale. Radici francescane di Fratelli tutti ,
Ed. Editrice Domenicana Italiana (EDI),
, p. 255
. |
Questo libro studia le radici francescane della fraternità universale proposta dall'enciclica Fratelli tutti. Il Papa afferma che "“è stata la testimonianza evangelica di ... (More)
MartÃn ,
The universal fraternity. Franciscan roots of Fratelli tutti (printing),
Ed. Media House,
, p. 255
. |
This book studies the Franciscan roots of the universal fraternity proposed by the encyclical Fratelli tutti. The Pope states that “it was the evangelical witness of St. Francis, w... (More)
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MartÃn ,
Celebrating life: The Rule and Christmas at Greccio (1223-2023),
Ed. TAU Publishing,
Phoenix (AZ),
, p. 120 (ISBN 978-1-61956-65-1)
. |
This book is intended as a contribution to the celebration, in 2023, of the eighth centenary of two important events for the Franciscan family: the confirmation of the Later Rule (Regula bullataMore)
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MartÃn ,
'Proclamad la Buena Nueva a toda la creación' (Mc 16,15). EcologÃa integral y evangelización,
en "Frontera Hegian". Cuadernos de Formación Permanente de VR (número monográfico), 121/3 ,
, p. 90
. |
“Proclamad la Buena Nueva a toda la creación” (Mc 16,15). La dimensión ecológica forma parte de los contenidos del Reino y tiene que estar presente en la evangeliza... (More)
MartÃn ,
Celebrando la vida: La Regla y Greccio (1223-2023),
series Hermano Francisco,
Ed. Efarantzazu,
Vitoria-Gasteiz ,
, p. 120
. |
Este libro responde a la celebración, en 2023, del octavo centenario de dos acontecimientos importantes para la familia franciscana: la confirmación de la Regla bulada por el Papa Honori... (More)
MartÃn ,
Celebrating life: The Rule and Christmas at Greccio (1223-2023),
2ª ed.,
Ed. TAU Publishing,
Phoenix (AZ),
, p. 120 (ISBN 978-1-61956-665-1)
. |
The second edition of this book is intended as a contribution to the celebration, in 2023, of the eighth centenary of two important events for the Franciscan family: the confirmation of the Later Rule... (More)
(Attached file) |
MartÃn ,
Célébrer la vie : La Règle et la Noël de Greccio (1223-2023),
Ed. TAU Publishing,
Phoenix (AZ),
, p. 110
. |
Ce livre répond à la célébration, en 2023, du huitième centenaire de deux événements importants pour la famille franciscaine : la confirmation de la R&... (More)
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MartÃn ,
Celebrando a vida: Regra franciscana e Natal de Greccio (1223-2023),
Ed. Editorial Franciscana,
, p. 131 (ISBN 9789727843367)
. |
Este livro responde à celebraçãoMore)
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MartÃn ,
La fraternidad universal. RaÃces de Fratelli tutti,
ª ed.,
series Hermano Francisco,
Ed. Efarantzazu,
Vitoria-Gasteiz ,
2022 (ISBN 978-84-7240-336-9)
. |
El Papa actual reconoce que San Francisco le inspiró a escribir la encíclica Fratelli tutti sobre la fraternidad y la amistad social. Afirma, además, que “fue el te... (More)
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MartÃn ,
Być franciszkaninem w erze cyfrowej Nowe wyzwania, nowa nadzieja,
Ed. Wydział Teologii Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie,
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Książka oddana do rąk polskiego Czytelnika zachęca do refleksji nad tym jak franciszkanie mogą żyć swoim charyzmatem w epoce cyfrowej. Nowy kontekst społec... ( More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Franziskanische Wirtschaft. Ein Vorschlag um aus der Krise Herauszukommen,
Ed. Be&Be,
2021 isbn 978-3-903602-32-8
, p. 279
, translated by SusanneErnst. |
Die in Wuhan Ende 2019 begonnene Pandemie durch Covid-19 hält uns nicht nur durch die weltweite sozioökonomische Krise in Atem, sondern demaskiert unsere Verwundbarkeit und die Absurdit&a... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
« Tout est lié » Écologie intégrale et communication à l'ère numérique,
Ed. Médiaspaul,
. |
Ce livre montre la relation qui existe entre l'écologie intégrale et ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Everything is Connected. Integral ecology and communication in the Digital Age,
Ed. TAU Publishing,
Phoenix (AZ) ,
. |
From a humanist perspective, this book puts in relation integral ecology and communication; that ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Being a Franciscan in the Digital Age: New Challenges, New Life,
Ed. Media House,
, p. 262 (ISBN 978-93-90608-69-0)
. |
This book presents the present relevance of the Franciscan charism and tradition in facing the socio-enviro... (More)
(Attached file) |
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Being a Franciscan in the Digital Age: New Challenges, New Life,
Ed. TAU Publishing,
Phoenix (AZ) ,
, p. 265
. |
This book presents the present relevance of the Franciscan char... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Essere francescano nell’era digitale. Nuove sfide, nuova vita,
Ed. Editrice Domenicana Italiana (EDI),
, p. 255. ISBN 979-12-80562-11-1
. |
Questo libro presenta la rilevanza del carisma e della tradizione francescana nell'affrontare le sfide socio-ambientali e comunicative della società globalizzata. La prospettiva francescana... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Ser franciscano na era digital. Novos desafios, nova vida,
Ed. Ed. Franciscana,
, p. ISBN: 972-784-324-4
. |
Esta obra apresenta a atualidade do carisma e da tradição franciscana frente aos desafios socioambientais e comunicacionais da sociedade globalizada. A perspetiva franciscana não ... (More)
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Francisco de AsÃs y la ética global. Actualidad y perspectivas,
Ed. Académica Española,
(eBook - Print on demand),
, p. 134 (Edición revisada y aumentada) (1ª edición agotada: PPC, Madrid 2008)
. |
(1ª edición PPC, Madrid 2008: agotada) (Esta 2ª edición ha sido... (More)
(Attached file) |
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Francisco de Assis e a ética global: Eventos actuais e perspectivas,
Ed. Nosso Conhecimento,
(Print-on-demandª reprinted
, p. 80 (ISBN 978-6204131139)
. |
(Esta edição portuguesa do livro foi produzida sem o conhecimento ou supervisão do autor).
O mundo globalizado oferece muitas possibilidades de comunicação... (More)
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Franz von Assisi und die Weltethik: Aktuelle Ereignisse und Perspektiven,
Ed. Unser Wissen,
, p. 84 (ISBN 978-6204131092)
. |
(Die vorliegende deutsche Ausgabe des Buches wurde ohne Wissen des Autors und ohne seine Aufsicht erstellt.).
Die globalisierte Welt bietet viele Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation über ... (More)
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Francis of Assisi and global ethics: Current events and perspectives,
Ed. Our Knowledge Pub.,
, p. 80 (ISBN 978-6204131108)
. |
(This English edition of the book has been published without the author's knowledge or supervision).
The globalized world offers many possibilities for distance communication and interperso... (More)
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
François d'Assise et l'éthique mondiale: Actualité et perspectives,
Ed. Notre Savoir,
, p. 80 (ISBN 978-6204131115)
. |
(Cette édition en français du livre a été réalisée à l'insu de l'auteur et sans son contrôle.)
Le monde globalisé offre de ... (More)
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Francesco d'Assisi e l'etica globale: Attualità e prospettive,
Ed. Sapienza,
, p. 80 (ISBN 978-6204131122)
. |
(Questa edizione in italiano del libro è stata pubblicata senza la conoscenza o la supervisione dell'autore).
Il mondo globalizzato offre molte possibilità di comunicazione a ... (More)
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Wolna i braterska ekonomia. Perspektywa franciszkańska,
Ed. Studio SQL,
Olsztyn ,
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Książka wprowadza nas w franciszkańską wizję ekonomii. Autor analizuje źródła farnciszkańskie, wskazując na ich aktualną wartość prak... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Tudo está conectado. Ecologia integral e comunicação na era digital,
Ed. Editorial Franciscana,
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Este livro põe em relação a ecologia integral com a comunicação social, ou seja a teia ou rede da vida, com a vida em rede: Tudo está conectado. Tenta respond... (More)
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Ser Franciscano en la era digital. Los retos de la comunicación y de la ecologÃa integral,
Ed. Ed. Franciscana Arantzazu,
. |
Este libro presenta la actualidad del carisma y de la tradición franciscana para afrontar los retos socioambientales y comunicativos de la sociedad globalizada. La perspectiva franciscana encaj... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Notre Sœur Mère Terre. Racines franciscaines de Laudato si',
Ed. Médiaspaul,
. |
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
'Tutto è collegato'. Ecologia integrale e comunicazione nell'era digitale,
Editrice Domenicana Italiana (EDI)ª ed.,
, p. 228
. |
Questo libro mette in relazione l'ecologia integrale con la comunicazione, cioè la rete della vita con la vita in rete. "Tutto è collegato". Da una prospettiva umanistica, ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Everything is Connected. Integral Ecology and Communication in the Digital Age,
Ed. Media House,
. |
From a humanist perspective, this book puts in relation integral ecology and communication; that is, the We... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
„Wszystko jest połączone†Integralna ekologia i komunikacja w erze cyfrowej,
Ed. Wydział Teologii UWM,
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Ta książka łączy integralną ekologię z komunikacją; to znaczy Sieć Życia odnosi do naszego życia w sieci. „Wszystko jest połączone&rdq... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Schwester Mutter Erde. Franziskanische Wurzeln der Enzyklika Laudato Si',
Ed. Be&Be,
Heiligenkreuz im Vienerwald ,
. |
Dieses Buch führt in die franziskanische Perspektive der Ökologie ein, die in vieler Hinsicht als Inspirationsquelle für die Enzyklika Laudato si&r... (More)
(Attached file) |
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Siostra Matka Ziemia. Franciszkańskie korzenie Laudato Si',
Ed. Studio SQL,
Olsztyn ,
. |
Ta książka wprowadza nas w franciszkańską wizję ekologii, która pod wieloma względami wydaje się inspirować encyklik... ( More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Todo está conectado. EcologÃa integral y comunicación en la era digital,
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Este libro pone en relación la ecología integral con la comunicación; es decir, la red de la vida con la vida en red. “Todo está conectado”. Desde una perspecti... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
A free and fraternal economy. The Franciscan perspective,
Ed. Media House,
, p. 235
. |
(Also in e-Book) The global... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Sister Mother Earth. Franciscan Roots of the Laudato Si’,
Ed. Media House,
, p. 242
. |
*** 9th edition, 2nd in English (also in More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Ecologia Francescana. Radici della Laudato Si',
series Scienze teologico-religiose,
Ed. Aracne,
Canterano (RM),
, p. 262
. |
*** 9 edizioni in 7 lingue... e altre in arrivo *** Questo libro ci introduce nella visione francescana dell’ecologia che, in molti aspetti, può es... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Sorella Madre Terra. Radici francescane della Laudato Si,
series Studi francescani 24,
Ed. Messaggero,
, p. 272
. |
Il libro presenta una visione olistica dell’ecologia e, a partire da essa, analizza alcune sfide etiche globali, che mostrano un mondo privo di misericordia e una profonda crisi socio-ambientale... (More)
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Sister Mother Earth. Franciscan Roots of the Laudato Si’,
Ed. Tau Publishing,
Phoenix, AZ,
, p. 287
. |
This book introduces us to the Franciscan vision of ecology which, in many respects, seems to have inspired the encyclical Laudato Si’. Assuming an integral and inclusive vision of ecol... (More)
(Attached file) |
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
A free and fraternal economy. The Franciscan perspective,
2ª ed.,
Ed. Tau Publishing,
Phoenix, AZ,
, p. 245
. |
The globalized world has recently suffered a serious economic-financial crisis, which has put several Western countries on the verge of bankruptcy. Many analysts affirm that this is not just one mo... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
RaÃces de la Laudato Si’. EcologÃa franciscana,
series Colección Hermano Francisco ,
Ed. Franciscanas Arantzazu,
, p. p. 310
. |
(También en eBook 7€) Este libro nos adentra en la visión fr... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Ecologia franciscana. RaÃzes da EncÃclia Laudato Si do Papa Francisco,
Ed. Franciscana,
, p. 304, €12
. |
Este livro introduz-nos na visão franciscana da ecologia que, em muitos aspetos pode considerar-se inspiradora da encíclica Laudato Si’. A partir ... ( More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Economia francescana. Una proposta per uscire dalla crisi,
series Etica teologica oggi,
Ed. EDB,
. |
The globalized world is suffering from a serious economic crisis that has put on the edge of bankruptcy many western countries, Spain among them. Many analysts affirm that this is not just another ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Crise Económica. Uma proposta franciscana,
series Temas de Espiritualidade Franciscana,
Ed. Editorial Franciscana,
. |
The globalized world is suffering from a serious economic crisis that has put on the edge of bankruptcy many western countries, Spain among them. Many analysts affirm that this is not just another ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Crisis económica. Una propuesta franciscana,
series Estudios y Ensayos,
Ed. BAC,
. |
The globalized world is suffering from a serious economic crisis that has put on the edge of bankruptcy many western countries, Spain among them. Many analysts affirm that this is not just another ... (More)
(Attached file) |
Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Francesco d’Assisi e l’etica globale,
series Memoria e Profezia,
Ed. Messaggero,
, p. 136
. |
Il mondo globalizzato offre molte possibilità di comunicazione a distanza, ma crea anche particolarismi e discriminazioni. Come contribuire a creare un mondo più ... ( More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
São Francisco e a Ética Global,
Ed. Editorial Franciscana ,
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O fenomeno da globalizaçao, enquanto por um lado oferece enormes possibilidades de comunicaçao à distancia e de encontros interpessoais, arrisca-se por outro lado a... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Giovanni Duns Scoto, Studi e ricerche nel VII centenario della sua morte,
series Medioevo 15,
Ed. Antonianum,
, p. 465 + 524 pp. (€ 67,00) ISBN 88-7257-075-1
. |
In occasione del VII centenario della morte del Beato Giovanni Duns Scoto († 1308), la Commissione Scotista ha promosso questa
miscellanea di studi e ricerche intorno alla figura de... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Francisco de AsÃs y la ética global,
series Francisco de AsÃs hoy 4,
Ed. PPC,
. |
(1ª edición agotada. Nueva edición 2021: revisada y aumentada) (eBook 2014) ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
Intimidad y ética en la sociedad de la información. Estudio ético-teológico del dinamismo revelación/ocultación,
series Pars dissertationis ad Doctoratum in Theologia morali consequendum,
Ed. Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis, Academia Alphonsiana,
. |
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Carbajo Núñez
MartÃn ,
El Convento de Herbón: Seis siglos de historia y arte,
. |
MartÃn ,
Świętowanie życia: Reguła i Boże Narodzenie w Greccio (1223-2023),
Ed. Ed. Wydział Teologii UWM,
, p. 102 - ISBN 978-83-64129-71-1
. |
Ta książka ma być wkładem w obchody w 2023 r. Ósmej stulecia dwóch ważnych wydarzeń dla rodziny franciszkańskiej: potwierdzenie późniejszej... (More)
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Articles in books (42) |
Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn ,
La prospettiva francescana sul lavoro e la sua rilevanza nell’oggi, in
«Passi di pace» per rigenerare spazi di vita ,
edited by PASSONI Argia,
Soc. Coop. Frate Jacopa,
Roma 2024, p. 30-45. |
questo articolo tenta di giustificare il recupero della centralità e della dimensione soggettiva del lavoro nella società attuale e,... (More)
Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn ,
Digital culture: between communication and isolation, in
The Wisdom of the Cross in a pluralistic World.Acts of the Fourth International Theological Congress, 21-24.09.2021, ,
edited by TACCONE Fernando – BENEDETTINI Ciro,
E-book 2023, p. section 23 (ISBN 9791255080800). |
Abstract: This article studies the dynamic between communication and isolation that characterizes our globalized world. Digital culture greatly facilitates contacts but does not avoid lonelin... (More)
(Attached file) |
Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn ,
La culture numérique : entre communication et isolement, in
La sagesse de la Croix dans um monde pluriel. Actes du IV Congrès théologigue international, 21-24.09.2021, ,
edited by TACCONE Fernando – BENEDETTINI Ciro,
E-book 2023, p. Section 23 (ISBN 9791255080824). |
Abstract: This article studies the dynamic between communication and isolation that characterizes our globalized world. Digital culture greatly facilitates contacts but does not avoid lonelin... (More)
(Attached file) |
Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn ,
A cultura digital: entre comunicação e isolamento, in
A sabedoria da Cruz num mundo plural. Atas do IV Congresso teológico internacional, 21-24.09.2021, ,
edited by TACCONE Fernando – BENEDETTINI Ciro,
E-book 2023, p. section 23 (ISBN 9791255080831). |
Abstract: This article studies the dynamic between communication and isolation that characterizes our globalized world. Digital culture greatly facilitates contacts but does not avoid lonelin... (More)
(Attached file) |
Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn ,
La Cultura digital: entre comunicación y aislamiento, in
La sabidurÃa de la cruz en un mundo plural. Actas del IV Congreso Teológico internacional, 21-24.09.2021 ,
edited by TACCONE Fernando – BENEDETTINI Ciro,
E-book 2023, p. Section 23(ISBN 9791255080817). |
Abstract: This article studies the dynamic between communication and isolation that characterizes our globalized world. Digital culture greatly facilitates contacts but does not avoid lonelin... (More)
(Attached file) |
Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn ,
'El Señor me dio hermanos': Francisco de AsÃs inspirador de la encÃclica Fratelli tutti, in
Estudios y reflexiones en torno a Fratelli tutti, encÃclica del Papa Francisco ,
edited by MARTÃNEZ-ALBESA Emilio,
Ideas y libros ediciones,
Madrid 2023, p. 145-166 - ISBN 9788417892661; digital: 9788417892678. |
Abstract: This article presents Francis of Assisi as an inspiring model of the universal fraternity proposed by the encyclical Fratelli tutti. The Pope asserts that “it was the... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn ,
La fraternidad en Fratelli tutti y en la espiritualidad franciscana. Puntos de encuentro, in
Estudios y reflexiones en torno a Fratelli tutti, encÃclica del Papa Francisco ,
edited by MARTÃNEZ-ALBESA Emilio,
Ideas y libros ediciones,
Madrid 2023, p. 167-192 - ISBN 9788417892661; digital: 9788417892678. |
Abstract: This article presents some points of convergence between the Franciscan perspective and the encyclical Fratelli tutti on fraternity. The Pope teaches that &l... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn ,
La cultura digitale: tra comunicazione e isolamento, in
La sapienza della croce in un mondo plurale. Atti del 4° Congresso teologico pastorale ,
edited by TACCONE Fernando – BENEDETTINI Ciro,
Roma 2022, p. 262-269 (ISBN 9788866719885). |
em>Abstract: This article studies the dynamic between communication and isolation that characterizes our globalized world. Digital culture greatly facilitates contacts but does not avoid loneline... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Educazione ed ecologia integrale. Il ruolo della famiglia, della spiritualità e dell’università , in
Teologia spirituale ed ecologÃa integrale. Educare all’alleanza tra l’umanità e l’ambiente ,
edited by BIANCHI L. – FARINOLA O.A.,
series Teologia spirituale,
Bologna 2021, p. 144 (isbn 978-88-10-54167-8). |
Abstract: This article asserts the need for education in order to move towards integral ecology and studies the role that the family, the spirituality and the university can play in this form... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Economia del noi: La prospettiva francescana, in
Dall’io al noi: Il cammino della fraternità de dell’amicizia sociale ,
edited by Passoni A.,
Cooperativa Sociale Frate Jacopa,
Roma 2021, p. 79-103. |
The Franciscan vision of the economy, which had a remarkable development during the 13th-15th centuries, keeps being relevant today. This fact has been recently recognized by Pope Francis when he conv... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Las fuentes franciscanas de la ecologÃa integral: ¿Antropocentrismo o biocentrismo?, in
Pacto educativo y ciudadanÃa global: Bases antropológicas del Bien Común. Acta II Congreso Internacional Cátedra abierta Scholas Occurrentes ,
edited by AA.VV.,
Valencia 2020, p. . |
Summary: In the light of both the encyclical Laudato Si' and Franciscan spirituality, this article affirms the need to revise the dualistic anthropology that has led to the throw... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
La cura delle relazionalità fondamentali al tempo del Covid-19, in
'Il tempo della cura'. Vivere con sobrietà , giustizia, fraternità ,
edited by Passoni A.,
Società Cooperativa Frate Jacopa,
Roma 2020, p. 23-36. |
La pandemia del Covid-19, iniziata a Wuhan (Cina) alla fine del 2019, ha provocato un'enorme crisi socioeconomica e sta mettendo a nudo, ancora una volta, la nostra vulnerabilità, l'ass... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Pecado ecológico e reconciliação sacramental, in
Reconciliação Sacramental. Moral e prática pastoral ,
edited by A.V. Amarante – F. Sacco,
Aparecida (São Paulo) 2020, p. 241-251. |
Abstract: “To commit a crime against the natural world is a sin against ourselves and a sin against God”. Therefore, Pope Francis invites everyone to implore God’s mercy, th... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Peccato ecologico e riconciliazione sacramentale, in
Riconciliazione sacramentale. Morale e prassi pastorale ,
edited by Amarante A.V. - Sacco F.,
Roma 2019, p. 217-227. |
La prima parte tratta della dimensione sacramentale del mondo sensibile e della presenza, nella liturgia dei sacramenti, di segni e simboli presi dalla natura, facendo notare che essi sono ormai assen... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Tutto è in relazione: Dialogo, comunicazione ed ecologia integrale, in
In dialogo: metodo scientifico e stile di vita ,
edited by Muro R. Di - Bianchi L.,
series Teologia Spirituale,
Bologna 2019, p. 131-149. |
Abstract: This paper asserts that interaction and communication are constitutive aspects of all that exists. “Everything is related”. In this holistic perspective, “truth is... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Vita mistica nel quatidiano: i volti di Dio secondo Gaudete et Exsultate n. 98, in
Mistica e Santità nella Gaudete et Exsultate. Atti del V Convegno internazionale di mistica cristiana (Assisi, 7-8 settembre 2019) ,
series Esperienza e fenomenologia Mistica,
II serie, vol 6,
Città del Vaticano 2019, p. 161-178. |
Sommario: Alla luce dell’Esortazione apostolica “Gaudete et Exsultate”, questo articolo riflette su come vivere oggi la vita mistica nel quotidiano. La nostra socie... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Ascoltare il grido della terra e il grido dei poveri. Una prospettiva francescana, in
Prendersi cura del creato ,
edited by Passoni A.,
ed. Frate Jacopa,
Pedrazzo 2019, p. 57-80. |
La prima parte di questo articolo si focalizza sulla necessità di superare il paradigma tecnocratico, che ha ridotto la natura a un mucchio di oggetti a nostra disposizione. In contrapposizione... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
MiÂstico e pellegrino. Francesco d'Assisi, ispiratore delle Laudato Si', in
Dal Cantico delle Creature alla mistica della creazione. Atti del IV Convegno internazionale di mistica cristiana (Assisi, 29-30 settembre 2017) ,
edited by L. Borriello - A. Capuzzi - M.R. Del Genio,
series 'Esperienza e fenomenologia Mistica',
II serie, vol. 5,
Città  del Vaticano 2018, p. 13-30. |
Abstract: This article presents Francis of Assisi as the inspiration and direct source for much of the encyclical Laudato Si'. It also asserts the importance of mystic and spirit... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Fe, religión y ciencia económica. La contribución franciscana al proceso de racionalización, in
Once teólogos ante el diálogo ciencia-fe. Reflexiones filosóficas a la luz de la revelación ,
edited by Valiente Barroso C.,
series Análisis y crÃtica,
Guillermo Escolar,
Madrid 2018, p. 233-270 (pp. 342 ISBN 978-84-17134-60-0). |
(Introducción al libro:) A día de hoy no cabe rechazar las conquistas de las ciencias o desconfiar de ellas por sistema. Es innegable que su avance, ligado al ... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn ,
Experiencia de trabajo y bien común en la espiritualidad de Francisco de AsÃs, in
Migración: causas, muros y perspectivas franciscanas [curso JPIC 9-16.04.2018, Guadalajara, México] ,
edited by Oficina JPIC,
Curia OFM,
Roma 2018, p. 132-144. |
Tomando como referencia a Francisco de Asís, el artículo defiende la necesidad de recuperar la centralidad y la dimensión subjetiva del trabajo, pues de ello depende el desarrollo... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn ,
Cuidado de la Hermana Tierra: Bien Común y el Derecho a No Migrar, in
Migración: causas, muros y perspectivas franciscanas (curso JPIC 9-16.04.2018, Guadalajara, México) ,
edited by Oficina JPIC,
Curia OFM,
Roma 2018, p. 107-116. |
A la luz de la encíclica Laudato Si’ y de la espiritualidad franciscana, se subraya la necesidad de superar los du... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Commento al nono comandamento, in
Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica. Testo integrale; Nuovo commento teologico pastorale ,
edited by Mons. Rino Fisichella ,
series I Compendi,
LEV - San Paolo,
Città del Vaticano - Cinisello Balsamo (MI) 2017-, p. 1420-1428 (1720). |
Se il sesto comandamento si concentra sugli atti lussuriori, il nono mette in guardia contro la concupiscenza della carne, che si manifesta in pensieri e desideri impuri: richiede cioè di incan... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Comunicazione e misericordia per uno sviluppo integrale, in
Va e anche tu fa’ lo stesso (Lc 19,37). Misericordia e Vita Morale ,
edited by Wodka A.S. – F. Sacco,
series Qaestiones morales,
Roma 2017, p. . |
Summary: This article analyzes some global challenges that reflect a merciless world, deprived of relational goods. At the basis of it, there is a negative anthropological vision that le... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Abitare il mondo digitale con sapienza. Lo stile proprio del consacrato. Aspetti teologici, in
Il frate minore nell’era digitale: rischio o opportunità ?, Atti XLI Assemblea Unione, 13/17 marzo 2017, Assisi ,
Unione Conferenze Ministri Provinciali Francescani,
Molfetta 2017, p. 35-58. |
Il presente articolo parla di “abitare” il mondo digitale con sapienza, non di “usarlo”. Come diceva Mons. Carlo María Martini, i media sono già “u... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Estilos de vida y sostenibilidad: el peregrino y el turista, in
Francescanesimo e mondo attuale: stile di vida francescana. Miscellanea in onore di José Antonio Merino Abad, ofm ,
edited by Hernández Vidales A.,
series Biblioteca,
Roma 2016, p. 567-584. |
La reflexión sobre los estilos de vida que predominan en nuestra sociedad es hoy imprescindible, pues de ellos depende nuestro futuro y la sostenibilidad del ecosistema. Para facilitar el an&aa... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Culto, denaro e modello di Chiesa, in
"La redenzione è gratuitaâ€. Denaro, culto e corresponsabilità ,
edited by Zan R. De - I. De Sandre,
series Smart books,
Padova 2015, p. 7-19. |
La pubblicazione "La redenzione è gratuita”. Denaro, culto e corre... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
De San Francisco a Papa Francisco: el gozo de caminar juntos, in
La alegrÃa del Evangelio: perspectivas teológico pastorales de la Exhortación Apostólica Evangelii Gaudium (XV Jornadas de teologÃa) ,
edited by MartÃnez DÃaz R. – J. Fernández Lago – F.J. Buide del Real,
series Collectanea Scientifica Compostellana,
Santiago de Compostela 2015, p. 161-178. |
El artículo corresponde a una conferencia que el autor pronunció en las XV Jornadas de Teología organizadas por el Instituto Teológico Compostelano... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Lavoro, identità e non tuismo . Per un recupero della dimensione soggettiva del lavoro ispirandosi a Francesco d'Assisi, in
La grazia di lavorare: Lavoro, vita consacrata, francescanesimo ,
edited by Martinelli P. – M. Melone,
series Teologia Spirituale, 37,
Bologna 2015, p. 149-165. |
Summary: Taking inspiration from St Francis of Assisi, this article affirms the necessity of duly considering the subjective dimensions of work, because human identity depends on them. Curren... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Il pellegrino e il turista: due stili di vita paradigmatici, in
In Cammino. V festival francescano. Rimini, 27-29 sett. 2013 ,
edited by Dozzi D.,
Rimini 2014, p. 98-116. |
Il saggio del prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez «Il pellegrino e il turista: due stili di vita paradigmatici» corrisponde a una conferenza pro... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez M. ,
L'attenzione alla soggettività e l'appello alla coscienza nei codici deontologici del giornalismo europeo, in
Fedeli alla chenosi del Redentore. Scritti in onore di Sabatino Majorano ,
edited by Amarante A.V.,
series Etica telogocia oggi ,
Bologna 2014, p. 129-143. |
Descrizione dell'opera
Il volume celebra i settant'anni del teologo morale redentorista Sabatino Majorano e i suoi oltre trent'anni di insegnamento e ricerca all'A... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Mundo virtual y ética: potencialidad del lenguaje mediático para expresar y transmitir los valores éticos, in
Evangelização em diálogo. Novos cenários desde o paradigma ecológico ,
edited by Silva Tavares S. D. Brunelli,
Petropolis 2014, p. 91-105 (ISBN-13 9788532647849). |
Riassunto in portoghese:
Esta obra surgiu a partir de um congresso internacional realizado pelo Instituto Teológico Franciscano de Petrópolis. Os part... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
La alternativa franciscana en el campo eonómico. Una propuesta para superar la crisis, in
Semana de Estudios Franciscanos: “Con Francisco amemos la Creaciónâ€. A los 35 años de ser declarado San Francisco Patrono de los Ecologistas ,
edited by Familia Franciscana del Perú,
Lima 2014, p. 87-102. |
Più informazione sulla Settimana Internazionale di Studi Francescani (Lima 1-5 sttembre 2014)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Estilos de vida en la aldea global: el peregrino y el turista, in
Semana de Estudios Franciscanos: “Con Francisco amemos la Creaciónâ€. A los 35 años de ser declarado San Francisco Patrono de los Ecologistas ,
edited by Familia Franciscana del Perú,
Lima 2014, p. 69-83. |
Più informazione sulla Settimana Internazionale di Studi Francescani (Lima 1-5 sttembre 2014)More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Las hermanas criaturas. Bases franciscanas para una fraternidad cósmica, in
Semana de Estudios Franciscanos: “Con Francisco amemos la Creaciónâ€. A los 35 años de ser declarado San Francisco Patrono de los Ecologistas ,
edited by Familia Franciscana del Perú,
Lima 2014, p. 53-68. |
Più informazione sulla Settimana Internazionale di Studi Francescani (Lima 1-5 sttembre 2014)More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
La relación con la naturaleza desde la perspectiva franciscana de la libertad, in
Semana de Estudios Franciscanos: “Con Francisco amemos la Creaciónâ€. A los 35 años de ser declarado San Francisco Patrono de los Ecologistas ,
edited by Familia Franciscana del Perú,
Lima 2014, p. 35-52. |
Più informazione sulla Settimana Internazionale di Studi Francescani (Lima 1-5 sttembre 2014)
... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
«Ha llegado a mis oÃdos el lamento de la Creación». El problema de la sostenibilidad, in
Semana de Estudios Franciscanos: “Con Francisco amemos la Creaciónâ€. A los 35 años de ser declarado San Francisco Patrono de los Ecologistas ,
edited by Familia Franciscana del Perú,
Lima 2014, p. 17-33. |
Più informazione sulla Settimana Internazionale di Studi Francescani (Lima 1-5 sttembre 2014)More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Mary as a Model of Dialogue and Hospitality, in
2009 Asia-Oceania Mariological Conference Report ,
Cavite, Philippines 2009, p. 67-79. |
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Actualidad de Duns Escoto en la Sociedad de la Información, in
Giovanni Duns Scoto. Studi e ricerce nel VII centenario della sua morte ,
edited by Carbajo Núñez M.,
series Medioevo, 15,
II, 2 vol.,
Roma 2008, p. 471-506. |
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Presentazione, in
Giovanni Duns Scoto, Studi e ricerche nel VII centenario della sua morte ,
edited by CARBAJO NÚÑEZ M.,
series Medioevo 15,
I, 2 vol., ,
Roma 2008, p. XIII-XIV. |
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Por una ética global de la hospitalidad, inspirada en Francisco de AsÃs, in
Religioni et litteris. Miscellanea di studi dedicati a P. Barnaba Hechich ofm ,
edited by HUCULAK B.J. ,
Città del Vaticano 2005, p. 115-164. |
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn ,
Technology and Family rituals, in
The Key to Forming Good Habits Is to Make Them Part of Your 'Rituals'. Ritual and Celebration in Family and in Broader Societal Contexts ,
edited by PAWLIK Jacek J. - PIWOWARCZYK Darius J.,
series Anthropos, Special Issue,
Baden-Baden , p. 187-203. |
Abstract: This paper in book... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn ,
Ecologia e spiritualità , (23.01.2024), (24), in
edited by ,
, p. . |
Spiritual life has been metaphorically depicted through two images: the pilgrimage and the ascent to the mountain's summit, where the soul will be united with God.More)
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Articles (225) |
Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
'So that they might have life.' The Later Rule of Saint Francis, in Carthaginensia 49/77 (2024) p. 25-50.
Abstract: This article is intended as a contribution to the celebration of the eighth centenary of the Later Rule of St. Francis (Nov. 29, 1223) and analyzes its inspirational force in our se... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
El Belén de San Francisco en Greccio (1213-2023), in La Franciscana 4 (2024) p. 9.
Estas navidades se cumplieron ochocientos años del belén viviente que Francisco de Asís celebró en Greccio (Italia), cuatro años después de su regreso de Tier... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Educación e inteligencia artificial. El papel de la familia, in Estudios Franciscanos 125/476 (2024) p. 89-102. ISSN 0210-4393.
Summary: This paper studies the “exciting possibilities and grave risks” of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of education. Pope Francis affirms that AI “is radicall... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Inteligencia artificial y humanismo de fraternidad, in Estudios Franciscanos 125/476 (2024) p. 103-122. ISSN 0210-4393 .
Abstract: This article presents some of the «exciting opportunities and grave risks» of artificial intelligence in light of the recent magisterium of Pope Francis. This is not an ... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Education and Artificial Intelligence: The Role of the family, in Verdad y Vida LXXXII/284 (2024) p. .
Summary: This paper studies the “exciting possibilities and grave risks” of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of education. Pope Francis affirms that AI “is radicall... (More)
Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Intelligence Artificielle et Humanisme de Fraternité, in Verdad y Vida LXXXII/284 (2024) p. .
Abstract : This article presents some of the « exciting opportunities and grave risks » of artificial intelligence in light of the recent magisterium of Pope Francis... (More)
Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Inteligência artificial e humanismo de fraternidade, in Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira (REB) 84/328 (2024) p. 506-530.
Síntese: Este artigo apresenta algumas “fascinantes oportunidades e [alguns] graves riscos” da inteligência artificial (IA) à luz do recente magistér... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Artificial intelligence, truth and wisdom: A Franciscan perspective, in Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne 37/1 (2024) p. 164-187.
Summary: This article (online) delves into how to live in truth and attain wisdom in the age of Artif... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
El liderazgo en la Iglesia, in Forum Teologiczne 25 (2024) p. 197-213.
Abstract: This article presents three models of leadership (part 1) and analyzes the characteristics it should have in the Church (part 2) and in the Christian family (part 4). Francis of Ass... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
A familia no Maxisterio recente e na espiritualidade franciscana, in Liceo Franciscano LXXIV/222 (2024) p. 93-112.
Abstract: This article studies the family in the recent Magisterium and in Franciscan spirituality. Besides being recognized as the basis of society and its first school, the family is also p... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Intelixencia artificial e humanismo de fraternidade, in Liceo Franciscano LXXIV/222 (2024) p. 113-134.
Abstract: This article presents some of the «exciting opportunities and grave risks» of artificial intelligence in light of the recent magisterium of Pope Francis. This is not an ... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Inteligencia artificial, verdad y sabidurÃa: una perspectiva franciscana, in Estudios Franciscanos 125/476 (2024) p. 123-147. ISSN 0210-4393.
Summary: This article delves into how to live in truth and attain wisdom in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI), using the Franciscan Tradition as a guide and reference. While AI can help... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn - puaproflibri3902.jpg ,
Éducation et intelligence artificielle: le rôle de la famille, in Studia Elbląskie XXV (2024) p. 351-364.
Summary: This paper studies the « exciting possibilities and grave risks » of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of education. Pope Francis affirms that AI « is radic... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Intelligenza artificiale e umanesimo di fraternità , in Studia Elbląskie XXV (2024) p. 365-383.
Abstract: This article presents some of the «exciting opportunities and grave risks» of artificial intelligence in light of the recent magisterium of Pope Francis. This is not an ... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Educação e inteligência artificial: O papel da famÃlia, in Grande Sinal 78/02 (2024) p. 259-274.
Summary: This paper studies the «exciting possibilities and grave risks» of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of education. Pope Francis affirms that AI «is radicall... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
The Lord gave me brothers and sisters. Francis of Assisi, inspirer of the encyclical Fratelli tutti, in Carthaginensia XXXIX/75 (2023) p. 69-91.
Abstract: This article presents Francis of Assisi as an inspiring model of the universal fraternity proposed by the encyclical Fratelli tutti. The Pope asserts that “it was the... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Il Signore mi dette dei fratelli. Francesco d’Assisi, ispiratore dell’enciclica Fratelli tutti, in Laurentianum 64 (2023) p. 23-45.
Abstract: This article presents Francis of Assisi as an inspiring model of the universal fraternity proposed by the encyclical Fratelli tutti. The Pope ... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
'Para que teñan vida': A Regla bulada de San Francisco, in Liceo Franciscano 220 (2023) p. 107-132.
Abstract: This article is intended as a contribution to the celebration of the eighth centenary of the Later Rule of St. Francis (Nov. 29, 1223), which is one of the four great Rules of conse... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
A fraternidade en Fratelli tutti e na espiritualidade franciscana: puntos de encontro, in Liceo Franciscano 220 (2023) p. 161-188.
Abstract: This article presents some points of convergence between the Franciscan perspective and the encyclical Fratelli tutti on fraternity. The Pope teaches that “it was the... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
O Senhor me deu irmãos. Francisco de Assis, inspirador da encÃclica Fratelli tutti, in Grande Sinal 77/01 (2023) p. 81-102.
Este artigo apresenta Francisco de Assis como modelo e inspirador da fraternidade ... ( More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
A guerra de drons autónomos, in Encrucillada 233 (2023) p. 32-48.
Summary: Recently, a military robot has autonomously taken the decision to attack enemy troops in the Libyan war without waiting for any human intervention. Russia is also suspected o... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Il lavoro: partecipazione all’opera creativa del Dio della pace, in Il Cantico 6 (2023) p. 4-8.
1. Concetto e importanza del lavoro
2. Visione riduttiva del lavoro nella società attuale
2.1. Antropologia pessimistica
2.2. Lavoro mercificato e guerra d'interessi
3. Lavoro ed antropologia cri... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
'Para que tenham vida.' A Regra bulada de São Francisco, in Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira (REB) 83/325 (2023) p. 506-530.
Síntese: Este artigo responde à celebração do oitavo centenário da Regra bulada de São Francisco (29.11.1223), que é uma das quatro gr... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Fraternité et mère terre. Tous frères et sÅ“urs dans la maison commune, in Studia Elbląskie 24 (2023) p. .
This paper studies the concept of fraternity in the light of the Magisterium of Pope Francis. In the first part, it focuses on some of its meanings that are reductive and insufficient. Then, it presen... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Family relations in the recent magisterium and in franciscan spirituality, in Studia Elbląskie 24 (2023) p. 165-179.
This article studies the family in the recent Magisterium and in Franciscan spirituality. Besides being recognized as the basis of society and its first school, the family is also proposed as a model ... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Fraternità e Madre Terra. Tutti fratelli e sorelle nella casa comune, in Studia Moralia 61/2 (2023) p. 315-332.
This paper studies the concept of fraternity in the light of the Magisterium of Pope Francis. In the first part, it focuses on some of its meanings that are reductive and insufficient. Then, it presen... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
A famÃlia no Magistério recente e na espiritualidade franciscana, in Eborensia 26/57 (2023) p. 137-155.
Abstract: This article studies the family in the recent Magisterium and in Franciscan spirituality. Besides being recognized as the basis of society and its first school, the family is also p... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Fraternidade e mãe Terra. Todos irmãos e irmãs na casa comum, in Eborensia 26/57 (2023) p. 157-175.
Abstract: This paper studies the concept of fraternity in the light of the Magisterium of Pope Francis. In the first part, it focuses on some of its meanings that are reductive and insufficie... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
'Perché abbiano la vita': La Regola bollata di san Francesco, in Collectanea Franciscana 93 (2023) p. 657-678.
Sommario: Questo articolo risponde alla celebrazione dell'ottavo centenario della Regola di San Francesco (29.11.1223), che è una delle quattro grandi Regole della vita religiosa. ... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
A economia do nós: unha perspectiva franciscana, in Liceo Franciscano 73/221 (2023) p. 151-170.
Resumo: A visión franciscana da economía, que tivo un notable desenvolvemento durante os séculos XIII-XV, segue gozando hoxe dunha sorprendente actualidade. ... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
«Para que tengan vida». La Regla de San Francisco, in Estudios Franciscanos 124/474 (2023) p. 441-462.
Abstract: This article is intended as a contribution to the celebration of the eighth centenary of the Later Rule of St. Francis (Nov. 29, 1223) and analyzes its inspirational force in our se... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Medios digitales y ritos familiares, in Estudios Franciscanos 124/474 (2023) p. 85-98.
Abstract: This paper studies the influence that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are having on family life and on its rituals. The social model of the family ... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
'Pour qu'on ait la vie' La Règle bullata de saint François, in Verdad y Vida LXXXI/282-283 (2023) p. 155-180.
Abstract: This article is intended as a contribution to the celebration of the eighth centenary of the Later Rule of St. Francis (Nov. 29, 1223) and analyzes its inspirational force in our se... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Fraternidad y madre tierra. Todos hermanos em la casa común, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 148/52 (2023) p. 283-305.
Sumario: Este artículo estudia el concepto de fraternidad a la luz del Magisterio de papa Francisco. En la primera parte, presenta algunas acepciones que resultan reductivas e insufici... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
La familia em el Magisterio reciente y en la espiritualidade franciscana, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 148/52 (2023) p. 259-282.
Sumario: Este artículo estudia la familia en el Magisterio eclesiástico reciente y en la espiritualidad franciscana. Además de reconocerla como base de la sociedad y prim... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
'Para que tengan vida'. La Regla de San Francisco, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 148/52 (2023) p. 231-258.
Sumario: Este artículo responde a la celebración del octavo centenario de la Regla bulada de San Francisco (29.11.1223), que es una de las cuatro grandes Reglas de la vida consa... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
La famille dans le Magistère récent et dans la spiritualité franciscaine, in Verdad y Vida LXXXI/282-283 (2023) p. 199-218.
Abstract: This article studies the family in the recent Magisterium and in Franciscan spirituality. Besides being recognized as the basis of society and its first school, the family is also p... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Fraternity and Mother Earth. Brothers & sisters all in the common home, in Verdad y Vida LXXXI/282-283 (2023) p. 181-198.
Abstract: This paper studies the concept of fraternity in the light of the Magisterium of Pope Francis. In the first part, it focuses on some of its meanings that are reductive and insufficie... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Education and integral Ecology: The Role of family, Spirituality and University, in Carthaginensia 38/73 (2022) p. 111-128.
Abstract: This article asserts the need for education in order to move towards integral ecology and studies the role that the family, spirituality and the university can play in this formativ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Ecological Conversion and pluriform Church in the light of the Amazon Synod, in Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira (REB) 82/321 (2022) p. 92-114.
Abstract: Taking into account the documents of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region and the post-synodal exhortation “Querida Amazonia,” this article studies th... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Tudo está conectado. As relações interpessoais à luz da Laudato si’, in Grande Sinal 76/1 (2022) p. 47-59.
Resumo:À luz da encíclica Laudato si’, este artigo estuda a necessidade de um novo paradigma relacional que permita superar a atual crise socioambiental. “Tu... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
La guerra dei droni autonomi, in Laurentianum 63 (2022) p. 65-79.
Summary: Recently, a military robot has autonomously taken the decision to attack enemy troops in the Libyan war without waiting for any human intervention. Russia is also suspected o... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Educación e ecoloxÃa integral: o papel da familia, da espiritualidade e da universidade, in Liceo Franciscano 72/218 (2022) p. 127-146.
Abstract: This article asserts the need for education in order to move towards integral ecology and studies the role that the family, the spirituality and the university can play in this form... (More)
Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
A guerra de drones autônomos, in Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira (REB) 82/322 (2022) p. 424-443.
Resumo: Recentemente, um drone armado tomou automaticamente a decisão de atacar tropas inimigas na Guerra da Líbia, sem aguardar uma intervenção humana. A ... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Autonomous Drone Warfare, in Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne 35/1 (2022) p. 102-117 (DOI: 10.30439).
Summary: Recently, a military robot has autonomously taken the decision to attack enemy troops in the Libyan war without waiting for any human intervention. Russia is also suspected of usi... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
La fraternité dans Fratelli tutti et dans la spiritualité franciscaine. Points de rencontre, in Studia Elbląskie 23 (2022) p. 261-283.
Résumé: Cet article présente quelques points de convergence entre la perspective franciscaine et l’encyclique Fratelli tutti sur la fraternité. Le pape enseigne que &... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Le Seigneur m'a donné des frères et des sÅ“urs. François d'Assise, inspirateur de l'encyclique Fratelli tutti, in Studia Elbląskie 23 (2022) p. 241-260.
Résumé : Cet article présente François d’Assise comme modèle d’inspiration de la fraternité universelle proposée dans l’encyclique Fr... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
'Tout est lié'. Les relations interpersonnelles à la lumière de Laudato si’, in Verdad y Vida 280 (2022) p. 11-24.
Summary: In the light of the encyclical Laudato si’, this article explores the need for a new relational paradigm that allows us to overcome the current socio-environmental crisis. &laq... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
La guerre des drones autonomes, in Verdad y Vida 280 (2022) p. 25-40.
Summary : Recently, a military robot has autonomously taken the decision to attack enemy troops in the Libyan war without waiting for any human intervention. This news has highlighted... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Fraternity, familial relationships and politics in the light of the encyclical Fratelli tutti, in Forum teologiczne 23 (2022) p. 127-137.
Summary: Based on the dignity and intrinsic sociability of the human person, this article asserts the importance of fraternity and family relationships in social life and in ... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
A economia do nós. Uma perspectiva franciscana, in Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira (REB) 82/323 (2022) p. 657-677.
Síntese: A visão franciscana da economia, que teve um notável desenvolvimento nos séculos XIII a XV, continua surpreendente atual. Reconheceu-o recentement... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
A fraternidade em Fratelli tutti e na espiritualidade franciscana. Pontos de encontro, in Eborensia 56 (2022) p. 159-182.
Abstract: This article presents some points of convergence between the Franciscan perspective and the encyclical Fratelli tutti on fraternity. The Pope teaches that “it was the... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
La guerra con drones autónomos, in Estudios franciscanos 123/472 (2022) p. 1-15.
Summary: Recently, a military robot has autonomously taken the decision to attack enemy troops in the Libyan war without waiting for any human intervention. Russia is also suspected o... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Conversión ecolóxica e igrexa multiforme á luz do SÃnodo para a AmazonÃa, in Liceo Franciscano 219 (2022) p. 91-111.
Abstract: Taking into account the documents of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region and the post-synodal exhortation "Querida Amazonia," this article studies the ... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
La fraternità in Fratelli tutti e nella spiritualità francescana. Punti di incontro, in Estudios Franciscanos 123/473 (2022) p. 315-336.
Abstract: This article presents some points of convergence between the Franciscan perspective and the encyclical Fratelli tutti on fraternity. The Pope teaches that “it was the... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
“O Señor deume irmánsâ€. Francisco de AsÃs, inspirador da encÃclica Fratelli tutti, in Encrucillada 230 (2022) p. 55-79.
Abstract: This article presents Francis of Assisi as an inspiring model of the universal fraternity proposed by the encyclical Fratelli tutti. The Pope asserts that “it was the... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
La fraternidad en Fratelli tutti y en la espiritualidad franciscana. Puntos de encuentro, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 145/LI (2022) p. 147-176.
Abstract: This article presents some points of convergence between the Franciscan perspective and the encyclical Fratelli tutti on fraternity. The Pope teaches that “it was the... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Médias numériques et rites familiaux. Le pèlerinage à Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, in Verdad y Vida 281 (2022) p. 261-277.
Abstract : This paper studies the influence that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are having on family life and on its rituals. The social model of the family... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Fraternity in Fratelli tutti and in Franciscan spirituality. Converging points, in Verdad y Vida 281 (2022) p. 235-260.
Abstract: This article presents some points of convergence between the Franciscan perspective and the encyclical Fratelli tutti on fraternity. The Pope teaches that “it was the... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Revitalizing religious life today: Ethical challenges and leadership, in Carthaginensia 71 (2021) p. 147-165.
(Full text) - Abstract: This paper explores the ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La fraternità in S. Francesco e nell'enciclica "Fratelli Tutti". Punti di incontro – Parte II, in Il Cantico 1 (2021) p. 14-17.
Questo articolo presenta il tema della fraternità alla luce dell'enciclica Fratelli tutti , indicando anche i punti di incontro con la prospettiva francescana.
Il Papa ... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
De la Amoris Laetitia a la Fratelli tutti. La importancia de las relaciones familiares, in Perspectiva teológica 53/1 (2021) p. 119-136.
Abstract: In the light of the post-synodal exhortation Amoris Laetitia, this article studies "the gospel of the family" and the importance of family relationships in social life. To... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Educação e ecologia integral O papel da famÃlia, da espiritualidade e da universidade, in Grande Sinal 75/01 (2021) p. 35-52.
Resumo: Este artigo mostra que a educação é imprescindível para podermos avançar rumo à ecologia integral e estuda o papel que a família, a es... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La fraternità nell'enciclica Fratelli tutti: , in Collectanea Franciscana 91/1-2 (2021) p. 5-25.
Abstract: This article studies the subject of fraternity in the encyclical Fratelli tutti and explores its Franciscan roots. The Pope asserts that “it was the evangelical witne... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Desde a Amoris Laetitia á Fratelli tutti. A importancia das relacións familiares, in Liceo Franciscano 71/216 (2021) p. 165-184.
Abstract: In the light of the post-synodal exhortation Amoris Laetitia, this article studies "the gospel of the family" and the importance of family relationships in social... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Fraternity in the encyclical Fratelli tutti. Franciscan roots, in Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira (REB) 81/319 (2021) p. 295-319.
Abstract: This article studies the subject of fraternity in the encyclical Fratelli tutti and explores its Franciscan roots. The Pope asserts that “it was the evangelical witness of St.... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La fraternidad en la encÃclica Fratelli tutti: RaÃces Franciscanas, in Estudios Franciscanos 122/470 (2021) p. 1-20.
Abstract: This article studies the subject of fraternity in the encyclical Fratelli tutti and explores its Franciscan roots. The Pope asserts that “it was the ev... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Family relationships and polar opposition: Being equal while remaining different, in Forum Teologiczne 22 (2021) p. 61-80.
Abstract: On the fifth anniversary of Amoris Laetitia, this article focuses on the importance of family relationships in our globalized world. The family allows everyone to feel equa... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Libertà e comunità , populismo e liberalismo alla luce dell’enciclica 'Fratelli tutti', in Studi Ecumenici 39/1-2 (2021) p. 263-272.
Sommario: Il presente articolo studia i concetti di “libertà e comunità, populismo e liberalismo” alla luce dell'enciclica Fratelli tutti e della dialettic... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
De l’Amoris Laetitia à Fratelli tutti. L’importance des relations familiales, in Studia Elbląskie 22 (2021) p. 281-296.
Abstract: In the light of the post-synodal exhortation Amoris Laetitia, this article studies « the gospel of the family « and the importance of family relationships in so... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
The fraternal economy: A Franciscan perspective, in Collectanea Franciscana 91 (2021) p. 565-580.
Summary: The Franciscan vision of the economy, which had a remarkable development during the 13th-15th centuries, keeps being relevant today. This fact has been recently recognized by... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Desde a Amoris Laetitia até a Fratelli tutti. A importância das relações familiares, in Eborensia 55 (2021) p. 221-236.
À luz da exortação pós-sinodal Amoris Laetitia , o presente artigo estuda "o evangelho da família" e a importância das relações f... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
A fraternidade na encÃclica Fratelli tutti. RaÃzes Franciscanas, in Eborensia 55 (2021) p. 199-220.
Este artigo estuda o tema da fraternidade na encíclica Fratelli tutti e indica alguns pontos de encontro com a perspetiva franciscana. A primeira parte sublinha que Francisco de Assis e a... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Conversión Ecológica e Iglesia multiforme a la luz del SÃnodo para la Amazonia, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 143/L (2021) p. 17-40.
Abstract: Taking into account the documents of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region and the post-synodal exhortation "Querida Amazonia," this article studies the ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Dall'Amoris Laetitia alla Fratelli tutti. L'importanza delle relazioni familiari, in Estudios Franciscanos 471 (2021) p. 321-335.
Abstract: In the light of the post-synodal exhortation Amoris Laetitia, this article studies "the gospel of the family" and the importance of family relationships in social... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
A fraternidade na encÃclica Fratelli tutti. RaÃces Franciscanas, in Liceo Franciscano 217 (2021) p. 85-108.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
L'economie fraternelle. Une perspective franciscaine, in Verdad y Vida 79/279 (2021) p. 219-236.
Summary: The Franciscan vision of the economy, which had a remarkable development during the 13th-15th centuries, keeps being relevant today. This fact has been recently recognized by... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La fraternité dans l'encyclique Fratelli Tutti. Racines Franciscaines, in Verdad y Vida 79/278 (2021) p. 13-35.
Abstract: This article studies the subject of fraternity in the encyclical Fratelli tutti and explores its Franciscan roots. The Pope asserts that « it was the evangelical witn... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
From Amoris Laetitia to Fratelli Tutti. The importance of family relationships, in Carbajo Núñez 79/277 (2021) p. 237-253.
Abstract: In the light of the post-synodal exhortation Amoris Laetitia, this article studies "the gospel of the family" and the importance of family relationships in social... (More)
Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
La economÃa del nosotros: una perspectiva franciscana, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 144/L (2021) p. 295-314.
Summary: The Franciscan vision of the economy, which had a remarkable development during the 13th-15th centuries, keeps being relevant today. This fact has been recently recogni... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
La fraternidad en la encÃclica Fratelli tutti: RaÃces Franciscanas, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 144/L (2021) p. 269-294.
Abstract: This article studies the subject of fraternity in the encyclical Fratelli tutti and explores its Franciscan roots. The Pope asserts that “it was the ev... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La pace, cammino di conversione ecologica, in Il Cantico 1 (2020) p. 16-22.
L'articolo inicia chiarendo il modo in cui saranno usati i concetti de Pace, Conversione e Peccato ecologico. Poi, si focalizza sulla dimensione sacramentale del mondo sensibile e sulla presenza, ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Vida mÃstica no cotidiano. Os rostos de Deus, in Grande Sinal 74/01 (2020) p. 11-25.
À luz da exortação apostólica “Gaudete et Exsultate”, este artigo reflete sobre como desenvolver hoje uma vida mística na vida cotidiana. Nossa ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Conversione ecologica e Chiesa pluriforme alla luce del Sinodo sull'Amazzonia, in Studia Moralia 58/1 (2020) p. 41-63.
Abstract: Taking into account the documents of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region and the post-synodal exhortation "Querida Amazonia," this article studies the ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Mysticism in everyday life: the faces of God, in Verdad y Vida 276 (2020) p. 11-25.
Abstract: In the light of the apostolic exhortation “Gaudete et Exsultate,” this paper offers some advice on how to live mysticism in everyday life. “We are all cal... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
'Everything is related'. Dialogue, network communication, and integral ecology, in Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira (REB) 80/315 (2020) p. 95-116.
Síntese: À luz do Magistério católico e da Tradição intelectual franciscana, este artigo afirma que a interação e a comunicaç&at... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Escuchar el clamor de la tierra y de los pobres. Una perspectiva franciscana, in Liceo Franciscano 214 (2020) p. 199-218.
Abstract: This paper asserts that the current socio-environmental crisis is an ethical crisis, caused by our inability to listen and to welcome diversity. "We are losing our attitude of ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La mÃstica en la vida cotidiana: los rostros de Dios, in Estudios Franciscanos 121 (2020) p. 151-165.
Abstract: In the light of the apostolic exhortation “Gaudete et Exsultate”, this paper offers some indications on how to live mysticism in everyday life. “We are al... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
MÃstico e peregrino. Francisco de Assis, inspirador da Laudato si’, in Grande Sinal 74/02 (2020) p. 147-161.
Este artigo apresenta Francisco de Assis como fonte de inspiração da encíclica Laudato Si’ e ressalta a importância da mística e da espiritualidade para poder s... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Conversão ecológica e Igreja multiforme à luz do SÃnodo para a Amazónia, in Eborensia 54 (2020) p. 214-234.
Analisando os documentos do Sínodo e a exortação pós-sinodal Querida Amazónia, este artigo estuda o tema da conversão ecológica e o modelo de uma Igrej... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Wszystko jest powiązane. Ekologia i rodzina, in Forum Teologiczne 21 (2020) p. 7-20.
(Descarga - Full-Text) Streszczenie: W artykule ukazano zjawisko interakcji i komunikacji ja... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Éducation et écologie intégrale. Le rôle de la famille, de la spiritualité et de l'université, in Studia Elbląskie 21 (2020) p. 215-231.
Abstract: This article asserts the need for education in order to move towards integral ecology and studies the role that the family, the spirituality and the university can play in this form... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La fraternità in S. Francesco e nell'enciclica "Fratelli Tutti". Punti di incontro – Parte I, in Il Cantico 87 (2020) p. 12-15.
Sono stato chiesto di parlarvi sul tema della fraternità alla luce dell'enciclica Fratelli tutti , indicando anche i punti di incontro con la prospettiva francescana.
I... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Conversión Ecológica e Iglesia multiforme a la luz del SÃnodo para la Amazonia, in Estudios Franciscanos 121 (2020) p. 471-488.
Abstract: Taking into account the documents of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region and the post-synodal exhortation "Querida Amazonia," this article studies the ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Conversion écologique et Église multiforme à la lumière du Synode pour l'Amazonie, in Verdad y Vida 277 (2020) p. 251-270.
Abstract: Taking into account the documents of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region and the post-synodal exhortation « Querida Amazonia, » this article studies ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Sostenibilidad económica de la familia franciscana, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 141/1 (2020) p. 27-42.
Abstract: This paper examines the economic sustainability of the Franciscan family, trying to identify the values that should inspire the friar... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Educación y ecologÃa integral. El papel de la familia, de la espiritualidad y de la universidad, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 141/1 (2020) p. 5-25.
Abstract: This article asserts the need for education in order to move towards integral ecology and studies the role that the family, spirituality and the university can play in this fo... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La fraternidad en la encÃclica Fratelli tutti: RaÃces Franciscanas, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 142/2 (2020) p. 245-269.
Abstract: This article studies the subject of fraternity in the encyclical Fratelli tutti and explores its Franciscan roots. The Pope asserts that “it was the evangelical witne... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
«Todo está conectado». Las relaciones interpersonales a la luz de la Laudato si’, in Sequela Christi 46/2 (2020) p. 117-130.
Sumario: A la luz de la encíclica Laudato si’, este artículo estudia la necesidad de un nuevo paradigma relacional que permita superar la actual crisis socioambie... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Diritti umani, bene comune e pace, in Il Cantico 1 (2019) p. 20-24.
Il presente articolo presenta i diritti umani (DU) come un punto di convergenza globale e quindi servono come base del bene comune e di un progetto etico di pace. Essi appartengono all&rs... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Pecado ecológico y reconciliación sacramental, in Franciscanum 171 (2019) p. 193-212.
Sumario... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Everything is connected: Communication and integral ecology in the light of the encyclical Laudato Si’, in Carthaginensia 68 (2019) p. 323-342.
Abstract: In the light of the encyclical Laudato Si’, this paper presents interaction and communication as essential aspects of all that exists. Humans are dialogical beings an... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
The importance of family relationships for the economic development of society, in Forum Teologiczne 20 (2019) p. 7-18.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Génération hyper-connectée et discernement , in Studia Elbląskie XX (2019) p. 1-15.
Abstract: This article asserts the urgent need of discernment in our hyper-connected and hyper-accelerated society that drives people to frenetic activity and constant hurry.... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Revitaliser la vie religieuse aujourd'hui: Défis éthiques et leadership, in Eborensia 53 (2019) p. 209-228.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Sostenibilidad económica de la familia franciscana, in Estudios Franciscanos 120 (2019) p. 1-12.
Abstract: This paper examines the economic sustainability of the Franciscan family, trying to identify the values that should inspire the friars&rsq... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Revitalizar a vida religiosa hoje. Desafios éticos e Leadership, in Grande Sinal 73/2 (2019) p. 199-217.
Este artigo estuda os possíveis modos de animar a vida consagrada em um tempo marcado pela mudança sociocultural, a crise vocacional e o aumento da idade média dos religiosos... ( More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Economic sustainability of the Franciscan family, in Verdad y Vida 274 (2019) p. 9-20.
Abstract: This paper examines the economic sustainability of the Franciscan family, trying to identify the values that should inspire the friars&rsq... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
, in Liceo Franciscano 212 (2019) p. 105-126.
Abstract: In the light of the encyclical Laudato Si’, this paper presents interaction and communication as essential aspects of all that exists. Humans are dialogical beings an... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Animar la vida consagrada hoy: desafÃos éticos y liderazgo, in Estudios Franciscanos 120 (2019) p. 401-416.
Abstract: This paper explores the possible ways of animating religious life in a time marked by sociocultural change and vocational crisis. It seems that a part of the Consecrated have their ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Espiritualidad Franciscana y ecologÃa integral. Bases relacionales frente a la cultura del descarte, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 139/48 (2019) p. 7-34.
Summary: In the light of both the encyclical Laudato Si' and Franciscan spirituality, this article affirms the need to revise the dualistic anthropology that has led to the throw... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Relevancia y actualidad de la perspectiva franciscana, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 140 (2019) p. 227-246.
Summary: This article presents the relevance of the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition in addressing today’s ethical challenges. This study completes our previous historical analysis on ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Animar la vida consacrada hoy: desafÃos éticos y liderazgo, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 140 (2019) p. 247-266.
Abstract: This paper explores the possible ways of animating religious life in a time marked by sociocultural change and vocational crisis. It seems that a part of the Consecrated have their ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Tout est lié. Dialogue, communication en ligne et écologie intégrale, in Verdad y Vida 275 (2019) p. 163-180.
Abstract : This paper asserts that interaction and communication are constitutive aspects of all that exists. « Everything is related ». In this holistic perspective, « trut... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Spiritualità francescana ed ecologia integrale. Basi relazionali contro la cultura dello scarto, in Collectanea Franciscana 88/1-2 (2018) p. 53-74.
Summary: In the light of both the encyclical Laudato Si’ and the Franciscan spirituality, this article affirms the need to revise the dualistic anthropology that has led to the... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Beati gli operatori di pace perché saranno chiamati figli di Dio, in Il cantico 3 (2018) p. 9-14.
Tutti siamo chiamati ad essere operatori di pace armonizzando dinamicamente le quattro relazioni fondamentali, cioè vivendo in pace con Dio, con noi stessi, con gli altri e con il creato. Senza... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Vocazione e missione del giornalista. Sfide e criteri etici, in Studia Moralia 56/1 (2018) p. 149-160.
Il giornalismo è una vocazione “tra le più importanti nel mondo di oggi”, strettamente legata alla dignità della persona umana e al bene comune. Non è solo un m... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Comunicare speranza in un mondo iper-accelerato e iper-connesso. Relazioni e discernimento nella prospettiva francescana, in Il cantico 5 (2018) p. 15-18.
L’iper-connessione e iper-accelerazione della società attuale “supera la nostra capacità di riflessione e giudizio” . “Molte persone sperimentano un profondo squi... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Espiritualidad franciscana y ecologÃa integral. Bases relacionales frente a la cultura del descarte, in Estudios Franciscanos 119 (2018) p. 27-48.
Summary: In the light of both the encyclical Laudato Si' and Franciscan spirituality, this article affirms the need to revise the dualistic anthropology that has led to the throw... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃÂn,
El aporte franciscano al proceso de racionalización y la tesis de Max Weber, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 137 (2018) p. 33-59.
Summary: This article analyzes the Franciscan contribution to the process of rationalization. Max Weber affirms that this process is a key factor of Modernity and a salient feature of modern ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Generazione iper-connessa e discernimento, in Studia Moralia Supplementum 8 (2018) p. 223-231.
Abstract: This article asserts the urgent need of discernment in our hyper-connected and hyper-accelerated society, which drives people to frenetic activity and constant hurry. Besides, &ldqu... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Il contributo francescano al processo di razionalizzazione e la tesi di Max Weber, in Studia Moralia 56/2 (2018) p. 319-346.
Summary: This article analyzes the contribution by the Franciscans to the process of rationalization during the XIII-XV centuries. Max Weber affirms that this process is a key factor to Moder... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Relevancia y actualidad de la perspectiva franciscana, in Liceo Franciscano 210 (2018) p. 129-146.
Summary: This article presents the relevance of the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition in addressing today’s ethical challenges. This study completes our previous historical analysis on ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
«Tutto è collegato»: Comunicazione ed ecologia integrale alla luce della Laudato Si’, in Path 17/2 (2018) p. 337-357.
Abstract: In the light of the encyclical Laudato Si’, this paper presents interaction and communication as essential aspects of all that exists. Humans are dialogical beings an... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Sostenibilità economica della famiglia francescana, in Credere Oggi 227 (2018) p. 97-114.
Abstract: This paper examines the economic sustainability of the Franciscan family, trying to identify the values that should inspire the friars&rsq... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
The Franciscan contribution to the process of rationalization and the thesis of Max Weber, in Verdad y Vida 272 (2018) p. 11-33.
Summary: This article analyzes the Franciscan contribution to the process of rationalization. Max Weber affirms that this process is a key factor of Modernity and a salient feature of modern ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Generación hÃper-conectada y discernimiento. Una perspectiva franciscana, in Estudios Franciscanos 465 (2018) p. 343-356.
Abstract: This article asserts the urgent need of discernment in our hyper-connected and hyper-accelerated society, which drives people to frenetic activity and constant hurry. Besides, &ldqu... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Peccato ecologico e riconciliazione sacramentale, in Eborensia 52 (2018) p. 85-96.
La prima parte di questo articolo tratta della dimensione sacramentale del mondo sensibile e della presenza, nella liturgia dei sacramenti, di segni e simboli presi dalla natura, facendo notare che es... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Evangelización y cultura mediática. Notas para un proyecto pastoral, in Eborensia 52 (2018) p. 39-60.
En el presente artículo se subraya la necesidad de dar una mayor relevancia a los MCS en los proyectos pastorales de evangelización y de hacer un mayor esfuerzo de incultur... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Vocazione e missione del giornalista. Sfide e criteri etci, in Eborensia 52 (2018) p. 115-124.
Il giornalismo è una vocazione “tra le più importanti nel mondo di oggi” , strettamente legata alla dignità della persona umana e al bene comune. Non è solo un ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
MÃstico y peregrino. Francisco de AsÃs, inspirador de la Laudato Si, in Liceo Franciscano 211 (2018) p. 205-220.
Resumen: Este artículo presenta a Francisco de Asís como fuente de inspiración de la encíclica Laudato Si’ y subraya la importancia d... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Ecological sin and the Sacrament of Penance, in Verdad y Vida 273/76 (2018) p. 241-253.
Abstract: “To commit a crime against the natural world is a sin against ourselves and a sin against God.” Therefore, Pope Francis invites everyone to implore God’s mercy, th... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Hyper-connected generation and discernment. A Franciscan perspective, in Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira (REB) 78/311 (2018) p. 548-565.
Abstract: This article asserts the urgent need of discernment in our hyper-connected and hyper-accelerated society that drives people to frenetic activity and constant hurry. Furthermore, &ld... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Generación hÃper-conectada y discernimiento. Una perspectiva franciscana, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 138 (2018) p. 227-244.
Abstract: This article asserts the urgent need of discernment in our hyper-connected and hyper-accelerated society, which drives people to frenetic activity and constant hurry. Besides, ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez Martin,
Animare la vita religiosa oggi: sfide etiche e leadership, in Faleritanum 3 (2018) p. 115-135.
Abstract: This paper explores the possible ways of animating religious life in a time marked by sociocultural change and vocational crisis. It seems that a part of the Consecrated have their ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Il contributo delle religioni alla Pace nello Spirito di Assisi, in Il cantico 2 (2017) p. 16-23.
L’argomento che presento riguarda il contributo che le religioni possono dare alla convivenza pacifica nella società1. Ciò è oggi più che mai necessario, perché... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Comunicación y misericordia para un desarrollo integral, in Liceo Franciscano 208/1 (2017) p. 193-208.
Summary: This article analyzes some global challenges that reflect a merciless world, deprived of relational goods. At the basis of it, there is a negative anthropological vision that leads t... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Espiritualidad ecológica a la luz de la Laudato Si’, in Testimonio (Conferre - Chile) 282 (2017) p. 50-58.
A la luz de la encíclica Laudato Si’, el presente artículo afirma la necesidad de una espiritualidad ecológica, encarnada, para poder humanizar nuestra relaci&oacut... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
El aporte franciscano al proceso de racionalización y la tesis de Max Weber, in Liceo Franciscano 209 (2017) p. 253-276.
Summary: This article analyzes the Franciscan contribution to the process of rationalization. Max Weber affirms that this process is a key factor of Modernity and a salient feature of modern ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
As redes sociais e a comunicaçao social, cuidados a ter, in Eborensia 51 (2017) p. 133-154.
Neste estudo analisarei as oportunidades e desafios que a nova cultural digital apresenta para o desenvolvimento do ser humano e, mais especificamente, para a vi da eclesial. Para muitas pessoas, a re... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Sfide etiche globali alla luce dell’enciclica Laudato Si’, in Faleritanum 2 (2017) p. 85-105.
Alla luce dell’enciclica Laudato sì, questo elaborato analizza alcune sfide etiche globali che riflettono un mondo spietato e presenta alcuni suggerimenti per un nuovo stile di vita basat... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Franciscan Spirituality and Integral Ecology. Relational Bases vs. the Throwaway Culture, in Islamochristiana 43 (2017) p. 59-78.
In the light of both the encyclical Laudato Si’ and Franciscan spirituality, this article affirms the need to revise the dualistic anthropology that has led to the throwaway culture and to a dyn... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Current relevance of the Franciscan perspective, in Verdad y Vida 270-271 (2017) p. 187-203.
Summary: This article presents the relevance of the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition in addressing today’s ethical challenges. This study completes our previous historical analysis on ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Prossimi e fratelli: dall'indifferenza alla cura nello Spirito di Assisi, in Il Cantico online 2 (2016) p. 11-16.
Prendendo spunto dal recente discorso di Papa Francesco per la 49esima Giornata Mondiale della Pace (=GMP), in questo articolo si studia il tema: "Prossimi e fratelli: dall'indifferenza ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
DesafÃos éticos globales a la luz de la encÃclica Laudato Si' y del Jubileo de la Misericordia, in Didaskalia 46/1 (2016) p. 73-98.
Summary: In the light of both the Jubilee of Mercy (2016) and the Encyclical Laudato Si', this article analyzes some global ethical challenges which reflect an unmerciful world and makes ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La misericordia come virtù civile, in Il Cantico Online 6-7 (2016) p. 9-13.
Nel presente articolo si analizzato alcune sfide etiche globali che mettono in luce gli squilibri di un mondo immisericordioso. L’analisi fatto dimostra che è urgente ricup... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
DesafÃos éticos globales a la luz de la encÃclica Laudato Si' y del Jubileo de la Misericordia, in Espiritu y vida 29 (2016) p. 39-60.
Summary: In the light of both the Jubilee of Mercy (2016) and the Encyclical Laudato Si', this article analyzes some global ethical challenges which reflect an unmerciful world and makes ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Global ethical challenges in the light of the encyclical Laudato Si' and the Jubilee of Mercy, in Antonianum 91/2 (2016) p. 333-360.
In the light of both the Jubilee of Mercy (2016) and the Encyclical Laudato Si' , this article analyzes some global ethical challenges, which reflect an unmerciful world, and makes some suggestion... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
DesafÃos éticos globales a la luz de la encÃclica Laudato Si' y del Jubileo de la Misericordia, in Verdad y Vida 268 (2016) p. 13-37.
Summary: In the light of both the Jubilee of Mercy (2016) and the Encyclical Laudato Si', this article analyzes some global ethical challenges which reflect an unmerciful world and makes ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Evangelización y cultura mediática. Notas para un proyecto pastoral, in Verdad y Vida 269/74 (2016) p. 331-350.
This article asserts the urgent need of integrating the Social Media in the evangelization pastoral planning and to make a greater effort of enculturating the Gospel in the digital ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Trabajo, identidad y no-tuismo. Por una recuperación de la dimensión subjetiva del trabajo inspirándose en Francisco de AsÃs , in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 133 (2016) p. 25-42.
Summary: Taking inspiration from St Francis of Assisi, this articl... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
The contribution by religions to peaceful coexistence in society, in Studia Moralia 53/1 (2015) p. 83-101.
The challenges of the globalized world and the increasing number of violent conflicts alert about the urgent need of finding new foundations to guarantee a more peaceful coexistence in society. Thi... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La contribución de las religiones a la paz en el EspÃritu de AsÃs, in EspÃritu y Vida 27/1 (2015) p. 3-19.
Los desafíos del mundo globalizado y el creciente número de conflictos violentos obligan a buscar bases más sólidas para garantizar la coexistencia pacífica en la... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La contribución de las religiones a la paz en el EspÃritu de AsÃs, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 130 - 44/1 (2015) p. 73-91.
Los desafíos del mundo globalizado y el creciente número de conflictos violentos obligan a buscar bases más sólidas para garantizar la coexistencia pacífica en la... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Digital Age challenges and consecrated life, in Studia Moralia 53/2 (2015) p. 269-291.
Summary: In the Year of Consecrated Life (2015), this article analyzes the challenges which the new digital age presents to human beings and, more specifically, to the consecrated ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Le sfide dell’era digitale per la vita consacrata, in Antonianum 90/4 (2015) p. 897-918.
Summary: In the Year of Consecrated Life (2015), this article analyzes the challenges which the new digital age presents to human beings and, more specifically, to the consecrated ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
El consagrado en la era digital: oportunidades y desafÃos, in Verdad y Vida 266 (2015) p. 11-37.
(Descarga - Full text)Summary: In the Year of Consecrated Lif... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La Vida Consagrada en la era digital. Oportunidades y desafÃos, in EspÃritu y Vida 28/2 (2015) p. 53-79.
(Descargar - Full text) Sommario:More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La vida consagrada en la era digital: oportunidades y desafÃos, in Eborensia 49 (2015) p. 49-74.
Summary: In the Year of Consecrated Life (2015), this article analyzes the challenges which the new digital age presents to human beings and, more specifically, to the consecrated lif... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Il contributo delle religioni alla pace nello «spirito di Assisi», in Studi Ecumenici 3-4 (2015) p. 633-652.
Summary: The challenges of the globalized world and the increasing number of violent conflicts alert about the urgent need of finding new bases to guarantee a more peaceful coexistence in soc... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
De San Francisco a Papa Francisco: el gozo de caminar juntos, in Selecciones de franciscanismo 132 (2015) p. 329-348.
Summary: Making use of the paradigmatic figures of the pilgrim and the tourist, this article illustrates how Pope Francis and St. Francis of Assisi have a similar way of understanding evangel... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Trabajo, identidad y no-tuismo. Por una recuperación de la dimensión subjetiva del trabajo inspirándose en Francisco de AsÃs , in Verdad y Vida 267 (2015) p. 285-299.
Summary: Taking inspiration from St Francis of Assisi, this article affirms the necessity of duly considering the subjective dimensions of work, because human identity depends on them. Curren... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Basi francescane per custodire nella logica del dono, in Il Cantico online 1 (2014) p. 5-11.
Di fronte alla guerra di interessi e alle relazioni concorrenziali dell'io dominatore, la concezione antropologica francescana ed scotista mette le basi per poter sta... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Custodia dell'umano ed economia del dono, in Il Cantico 12 (2014) p. 6-12.
Benedetto XVI, nell'enciclica "Caritas in Veritate", afferma: "nulla di materiale o formale “può assicurare l'essenziale di cui l'uomo sofferente - ogni uomo - ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La gioia di evangelizzare: potenzialità della via pulchritudinis e del linguaggio narrativo, in Antonianum 89/4 (2014) p. 571-609.
This article analyzes the challenges for evangelization in today's media culture, paying particular attention to Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium': In the &... ( More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
De la mano invisible a la mano tendida: por una economÃa de rostro humano, in Corintios XIII 151/152 (2014) p. 126-141.
This paper affirms the urgent need to revise the present notion of the market as a merciless war of interests, in which everything is sacrificed to efficiency. The current economic crisis is not ex... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La evangelización en la sociedad. Potencialidad de la via pulchritudinis y del lenguaje mediático, in Eborensia 48 (2014) p. 53-86.
Summary: This article analyzes the challenges for evangelization in the net-society and offers some indications about how to live as Christians in this new cultural environment. Co... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La alegrÃa de evangelizar. Potencialidad de la via puchritudinis y del lenguaje narrativo, in Verdad y Vida 265 (2014) p. 333-367.
This article analyzes the challenges for evangelization in today's media culture, paying particular attention to Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium': In the &... ( More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Il custodire francescano, in Antonianum 2-3 (2014) p. 471-480.
La Pontificia Università Antonianum, rifacendosi al "Doctor Evangelicus", è impegnata a custodire il ricco patrimonio della tradizione francescana, attraverso lo studio, l'... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Linee per un'Etica della gratuità e del dono. Attualità della prospettiva francescana, in Il Cantico 07 (2013) p. 7-12.
Avendo come modello la comunione eucaristica, i francescani promuovono lo sviluppo dell’intrinseca capacità umana di donazione. Il senso di gratuità e fraternità si es... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
EconomÃa y comunicación a la luz de la Tradición franciscana, in Carisma, Memoria y ProfecÃa 13 (2013) p. 55-106.
Summary: In the light of the Franciscan tradition, this paper analyzes the actual relationship between economy and communication. The economy goes better when fraternal communications are enc... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Los principios de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Una lectura desde la perspectiva de la libertad, in Verdad y Vida 262 (2013) p. 11-43.
Abstract: In this article, the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church are presented as an expression of the inalienable human freedom. In contrast with the philosophies that interpre... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez Martin,
Lo Spettacolo dell'Intimità . Radici storiche della comunicazione centrata sull'io, in Frontiere 10 (2013) p. 253-297.
This article examines the Modem “tum-to-the-self’ in Western societies, a historical process that facilitates a communication focused on personal matters. In fact, the present Inf... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
I principi della Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa. Una lettura dalla prospettiva della libertà , in Ricerche teologiche 24/2 (2013) p. 333-370.
Abstract: In this article, the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church are presented as an expression of the inalienable human freedom. In contrast with the philosophies that interpre... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
El diálogo y la gratuidad en la edad secular. Una respuesta a la actual crisis antropológica, in Eborensia 47 (2013) p. 111-128.
Ecumenical, interreligious and cultural dialogue is indispensable in order to face the challenges of our global and secularized world. One of the topics that needs to be discussed is the negative a... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Nueva evangelización y cultura mediática. Del decreto "Inter Mirifica" a hoy, in Eborensia 47 (2013) p. 129-148.
The New Evangelization began at the Council Vatican II, was its main purpose and today the Vatican II continues to be its inspiration and reference. Fifty years after the Council, seculariza... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
EconomÃa y Comunicación a la luz de la Tradición Franciscana, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 121 (2012) p. 99-148.
A la luz de la tradición franciscana, en el presente artículo se analiza la relación que existe entre economía y comunicación. La ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Economia e comunicazione alla luce della tradizione francescana, 1/3: Francesco e la prima fraternità , in Vita Minorum 83/3 (2012) p. 125-145.
Summary: In the light of the Franciscan tradition, this paper analyzes the actual relationship between economy and communication. The economy goes better w... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Diritti umani, sostenibilità e Bene comune, in Il Cantico 79 (2012) p. 9-14.
Questo articolo mette mettere in evidenza che, per poter garantire la sostenibilità dell’ecosistema, è necessar... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Stili di vita nel villaggio globale: il pellegrino e il turista, in Il Cantico 80 (2012) p. 12-18.
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Los principios de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Una lectura desde la perspectiva de la libertad, in Antonianum 87/3 (2012) p. 487-520.
Abstract: In this article, the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church are presented as an expression of the inalienable human freedom. In contrast with the philosophies that in... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Economia e comunicazione alla luce della tradizione francescana, 2/3: La tradizione francescana, in Vita Minorum 83/4 (2012) p. 77-108.
Summary: In the light of the Franciscan tradition, this paper analyzes the actual relationship between economy and communication. The economy goes better w... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Caminare nella fede nell’età secolare. Lo stile francescano di testimoniare la gratuità , in Il Cantico 82 (2012) p. 14-20.
Francesco di Assisi e la Tradizione francescana offrono una risposta molto attuale alle sfide del mondo secolarizzato, soprattutto per il modo in cui vivono e testimoniano la gratuità div... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La aportación franciscana en el campo económico, una respuesta a la crisis actual, in BoletÃn provincial de la Prov. de la Santa Fe 49/435 (2012) p. 12-24.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
El espectáculo de la intimidad. RaÃces históricas de la comunicación centrada en el yo, in Verdad y Vida LXX / 261 (2012) p. 239-284.
Summary: This article examines the Modern “turn-to-the-self” in Western societies, a historical process that facilitates a communication focused... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Economia e comunicazione alla luce della tradizione francescana, 3/3: Principi basilari per orientare l'economia, in Vita Minorum 83/5 (2012) p. 75-91.
Summary: In the light of the Franciscan tradition, this paper analyzes the actual relationship between economy and communication. The economy goes better w... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Los principios de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia: Una lectura desde la perspectiva de la libertad, in Eborensia 46 (2012) p. 35-67.
Abstract: In this article, the principles of the Social Doc... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
EconomÃa y fraternidad a la luz de la encÃclica Caritas in Veritate, in Eborensia 46 (2012) p. 69-81.
Abstract: In the light of Pope Benedict XVI’s Encyclical, “Caritas in Vertíate”, this paper as¬serts the present need of dynamically combining efficiency an... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
El espectáculo de la intimidad. RaÃces históricas de la comunicación centrada en el Yo , in El Ãgora USB 12/2 (2012) p. 449-534.
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Informazione e diritto all`Intimità , in Frontiere 8 (2011) p. 129-147.
This paper presents some theological and anthropological bases which could help to go beyond the present individualist conception of the right to privacy. In fact, nowadays privacy is usually seen as ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
EconomÃa y comunicación a la luz de la encÃclica ‘Caritas in Veritate’, in Antonianum 86/1 (2011) p. 47-93.
This paper affirms the present need of bringing back together economy and communication, putting an end to the separation that Modernity has created between the logic of efficiency and the logic... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Economia e comunicazione alla luce dell’enciclica ‘Caritas in Veritate’, in Studia Moralia 49/1 (2011) p. 59-115.
This paper affirms the present need of bringing back together economy and communication, putting an end to the separation that Modernity has created between the logic of efficiency and the logic of g... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
EconomÃa y Comunicación a la luz de la Tradición Franciscana, in Antonianum 86/2 (2011) p. 258-306.
Summary: In the light of the Franciscan tradition, this paper analyzes the actual relationship between economy and communication. The economy goes better when fraternal communications are encouraged ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
EconomÃa y comunicación a la luz de la EncÃclica Caritas in Veritate, in Verdad y Vida 258 (2011) p. 103-148.
Resumen: En este artículo se afirma la necesidad de volver a unir dinámicamente economía y comunicación, superando la separación que la modernidad ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
EconomÃa y comunicación a la luz de la Tradición Franciscana, in Verdad y Vida 259 (2011) p. 99-148.
Summary: In the light of the Franciscan tradition, this paper analyzes the actual relationship between economy and communication. The economy goes better when f... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Libertà e ospitalità in Maria (II). Una prospettiva francescana, in Vita Minorum 81/1 (2010) p. 129-145.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Informazione e Diritto all’Intimità . Basi teoretiche dell’attuale impostazione conflittuale, in Frontiere 7 (2010) p. 93-119.
Questo articolo presenta le basi filosofiche che sostentano il modo attuale de comprendere il diritto all'intimità persona... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Derecho a la información y derecho a la intimidad. Bases filosóficas de la actual relación conflictual, in Nuevo Mundo 12 (2010) p. 153-176.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Actualidade de Duns Escoto na sociedade de informação, in Cadernos de espiritualidade Franciscana 38 (2010) p. 33-56.
This paper by prof. Martín CARBAJO NÚÑEZ has been published in two issues of " CADERNOS DE ESPIRITUALID... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Libertad y hospitalidad en MarÃa. Una perspectiva franciscana, in Antonianum 84/1 (2009) p. 35-64.
Summary: This paper presents Mary of Nazareth as our model for being new creatures in Christ, emphasizing her liberty and hospitality. Preserved of all stain, Mary we... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Libertad y hospitalidad en MarÃa. Una perspectiva franciscana, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 113 (2009) p. 275-308.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Lavoro e identità nella logica cristiana del dono, in Ricerche teologiche 20/1 (2009) p. 21-55.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Monti di pietà ed etica economica. Il contributo francescano, in Studi Francescani 106/1-2 (2009) p. 187-210.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Duns Scoto e il dialogo oggi, in Vita Minorum 80/3 (2009) p. 41-79.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Actualidad de Duns Escoto en la Sociedad de la Información, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 114 (2009) p. 435-462.
(Texto completo en PDF) Siete siglos después de su muerte, el beato Juan Duns Escoto es un modelo atrayente en ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Les monts-de-piété, in Évangile aujourd’hui 224 (2009) p. 46-49.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Libertà e ospitalità in Maria (I). Una prospettiva francescana, in Vita Minorum 80/6 (2009) p. 33-56.
Questo articolo presenta Maria come modello di nuova creatura in Cristo, mettendo in evidenza la sua libertà ed ospitalità. Preservata... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Duns Scoto e il dialogo oggi, in Studi ecumenici 27/4 (2009) p. 445-476.
Sette secoli dopo la sua morte, il beato Giovanni Duns Scoto continua ad essere un modello attraente di dialogo, sia per il suo pensiero sia per il suo atteggiamento ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Actualidade de Duns Escoto na sociedade de informação, in Cadernos de espiritualidade Franciscana 37 (2009) p. 53-79.
This paper by prof. Martín CARBAJO NÚÑEZ has been published in two issues of " CADERNOS DE ESPIRITUALID... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Lavoro ed identità nella logica francescana del dono, in Vita Minorum 79/2 (2008) p. 106-132.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Trabajo finanzas e identidad en la lógica franciscana del don, in Verdad y Vida 253/LXVI (2008) p. 509-544.
Summary: This article presents labour and finances from the perspective of Francis of Assisi and the Franciscan Theological Tradition. The discourse is founded on a Christian anth... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Actualidad de Duns Escoto en la Sociedad de la Información, in Verdad y Vida 251/252 (2008) p. 109-142.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Trabajo, finanzas e identidad en la lógica franciscana del don, in Antonianum 82/1 (2007) p. 55-88.
Summary: This article presents labour and finances from the perspective of Francis of Assisi and the Franciscan Theological Tradition. The discourse is founded on a C... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Trabajo e identidad en la lógica cristiana del don, in Cuadernos franciscanos 159 (2007) p. 128-155.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Actualidad de Duns Escoto en la Sociedad de la Información, in Cuadernos Franciscanos 160 (2007) p. 183-211.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Montes de Piedad y finanzas. La aportación franciscana en el campo económico, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 108/3 (2007) p. 445-464.
(Texto completo en PDF) Este artículo presenta la aportación franciscana en el campo econ&oa... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Intimidad y comunicación. Bases filosófico-teológicas para un encuentro en autenticidad, in Antonianum 82/4 (2007) p. 637-675.
Summary: This article offers some philosophical and theological bases for a new equilibrium between privacy and communication. In our liberal society, the predominant... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
El proceso de individualización en Occidente: ¿Narcisismo o autenticidad?, in Antonianum 81/1 (2006) p. 5-41.
Summary: This article examines the modern “turn to the selfâ€, in order to see if Western society is heading towards the ideal of authenticity or towards a sort of dangerous narcissism. Might it ... (More)
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Trabajo e identidad en la lógica cristiana del don, in Antonianum 81/4 (2006) p. 693-722.
Summary: This article asserts the need to rediscover work as an essential human dimension and a necessary expression of the person’s dignity and identity. The h... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Peregrinos y forasteros. Por una ética de la hospitalidad inspirada en Francisco de AsÃs, in Ãgape 12 (2005) p. 132-144.
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Francisco de AsÃs, fuente de inspiración para una ética global de la hospitalidad, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 101/2 (2005) p. 229-255.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La tradición franciscana, fuente de inspiración para una ética global de la hospitalidad, in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 102/3 (2005) p. 411-431.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La tradición franciscana, fuente de inspiración para una ética global de la hospitalidad, in Cuadernos Franciscanos 152 (2005) p. 190-207.
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Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Intimidad, exhibicionismo y deontologÃa periodÃstica. Por una respuesta ética a la comercialización mediática del ámbito Ãntimo, in Antonianum 79/1 (2004) p. 101-128.
Summary: This article examines how the Information Age is affecting the way people manifest their inner lives to each other and the way privacy is dealt with by the m... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
La protección de la intimidad en los códigos deontológicos del periodismo europeo, in Antonianum 79/4 (2004) p. 715-745.
Summary: This article examines sixty codes of ethics issued and assumed by National journalism associations which operate in forty two European countries. The scope i... (More)
Book reviews (4) |
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Recensione: Tello R., Popolo e cultura, Messaggero, Padova 2020 (Prefazione di Papa Francesco), in Studia Moralia 58/2 (2020) p. .
Rafael Tello, Popolo e cultura, Prefazione di Papa Francesco, Messaggero, Pa... (More)
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Carbajo-Núñez MartÃn,
Texto de la contraportada del libro, in VALLE IBARRA G. - IBARRA DIAZ A., Las florecillas del siglo XX (2020) p. .
Un franciscano italiano del siglo XIV escribió el libro de las florecillas de San Francisco seleccionando veinticuatro capítulos de un texto latino anterior (Actus Beati Franci... (More)
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Recensione: Monno M., Geopolitica e nuove povertà . Fermare il declino italiano, in Antonianum 85/3 (2010) p. 497-500.
Carbajo Núñez MartÃn,
Recensione: Piva P., Il fatto previo. Scritti, in Antonianum 85/3 (2010) p. 501-504.
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