Home > Cultural activities > 06/09/2014 Tuesday 10 September 2024

Franciscan Studies Week

Lima (Peru) 1-5 september 2014

Place: Perú

The Franciscan family of Perù and the Pontifical University Antonianum di Roma are organizing a Franciscan Studies Week in Lima, in Perù, to be held September 1-5 2014 for religious and lay men and women on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the proclamation di St. Francis as Patron of ecology.

The event will be opened with a greeting by S.E. Mons. Salvador Piñeiro García Calderón, Archbishop of Ayacucho, which will be followed by a welcome by the president of the Franciscan family of Perù.

Everyday will include a plenary talk by the Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez, O.F.M., and a round table discussion with specialists in the area.

The week will be dedicated to loving creation with Francis. It will be held in the parish hall of the Church of San Antonio de Padova of the Peruvian capital.

The closing ceremony will be include a speech by Monsignor Pedro Barreto Jimeno, S.I., Archbishop of Huancayo.

- See the manifest || + info

- Photografies

- The other ten dissertations by prof. Carbajo during september 2014

- Monday 01: Ha llegado a mis oídos el lamento de la Creación. El problema de la sostenibilidad

- Tuesday 02: La relación con la naturaleza desde el paradigma franciscano de la libertad.

- Wednesday 03: Las hermanas criaturas. Bases franciscanas para una fraternidad cósmica

Facultad Pontificia de teología (Lima), 11:00-11:45: Nueva evangelización y cultura mediática

- Thursday 04: Estilos de vida en la aldea global: el peregrino y el turista

9 a.m - 12 p.m Sede FIC: 1. La alegría de evangelizar

- Friday 05: La alternativa franciscana en el campo económico

- Tuesday 16 (Santiago de Compostela): Da San Francesco a Papa Francesco. La gioia del camminare insieme

- Saturday 27 (Istanbul): The contribution by religions to peaceful coexistence in Society

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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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