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Our Hyper-connected generation and discernment: a Franciscan perspective

FST - Oceanside, Oct. 24, 2018, 19:00 pm

Place: Oceanside (CA, USA)
Date: 24/10/2018
PUA On October 24th 2018, at 19:00pm, prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez OFM will give a lecture at Oceanside, California (USA) on the theme: "Our Hyper-connected Generation and Discernment: A Franciscan Perspective". This is a hot topic now, because this Fall the Synod of Bishops will focus on how to best teach the faith to young people and help them to discern God's will for their lives.

The lecture of prof. Carbajo is part of the "Franciscn Vision Series", which once a month deals offers a reflection to the accademic community. The Series is organized by the "Franciscan School of Theology", affiliated with the University of San Diego (CA).

Address: Mission San Luis Rey Retreat Center, 4050 Mission Ave. Oceanside 92057. For more information, contact 760-547-1800 ext. 224 or dfoley@fst.edu. + Google Map
In his talk, prof. Carbajo would assert the urgent need of discernment in our hyper-connected and hyper-accelerated society, which drives people to frenetic activity and constant hurry. Besides, “the speed with which information is communicated exceeds our capacity for reflection and judgement”. The first part of prof. Carbajo's talk would focus on discernment and would indicate some of its characteristics, paying special attention to the Franciscan perspective. The second part would focus on how to practice it in order to meet the ethical challenges of our digital culture.
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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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