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Being a Franciscan in the Digital Age: 1) Current Challenges 2) Discernment & Identity

Formation Council of the St. Barbara OFM Province. Oceanside (CA-USA) Oct. 28-29, 2019

Place: Oceanside (CA) USA - Mission San Luis Rey
Date: 28/10/2019
PUA On October 28-29 2019, prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM, will conduct two days of recollection for the directors and assistants of the Formation Council of the Franciscan Province "Santa Barbara", OFM. The meeting will take place at the historic Mission San Luis Rey, founded by Fr. Junipero Serra, in Oceanside, California (USA).

The day 28th, at 2.00 pm, prof. Carbajo will speak on the topic: "Current challenges for religious life". The following day, at 9:00 am, he will focus on the theme: "Discernment and identity in the current hyperconnected society". The general title of the meeting will be: " Being Franciscans in the Digital Age."

The dissertations will be followed by  a debate in small groups.
Available material
02. Discernment & Identity in the Digital Age
PDF (6 mb)    4207 hits
01. Current challenges for Religious life in the Digital Age
PDF (8mb)    4256 hits
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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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