Home > Cultural activities > 23/09/2021 Tuesday 10 September 2024

Digital culture: between communication and isolation

Rome, PUL Sept. 23, 2021, 15:00 p.m.

Place: Roma (PUL)
Date: 23/09/2021
PUA On September 23, 2021, at 3:00 p.m., Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez, ofm, will give a lecture on "The digital culture: between communication and isolation" at the IV International Theological Congress held in Rome, at the Pontifical Lateranense University (PUL), from September 21 to 24, 2021 on the general theme: "The wisdom of the cross in a plural world".
This International Congress is organized by the Gloria Crucis Chair of the PUL on the occasion of the jubilee of the third centenary of the foundation of the Congregation of the Passionists.
Available material
Program of the Symposium - final
PDF (2mb)    3716 hits
Program of the Symposium
PDF (310 mbytes)    3961 hits
Letter by the Minister General
PDF (228 Mbytes)    3949 hits
CV - Carbajo (PUL Web)
PDF (276 Mbytes)    3639 hits
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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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