Carbajo Núñez MartÃn ,
Everything is connected: Communication and integral ecology in the light of the encyclical Laudato Si’,
Carthaginensia, 68 (2019) p. 323-342
Abstract: In the light of the encyclical Laudato Si’, this paper presents interaction and communication as essential aspects of all that exists. Humans are dialogical beings and “everything is connected”. The first part studies the theological and ethical bases of both communication and integral ecology. Everything has been created through the Word and is ordered to the affectionate and fraternal encounter. The second part asserts the need for ecological conversion and then focuses on the media. They are gifts of God that can contribute decisively to strengthening the bonds of fraternal communication and communion. However, they also present ethical challenges that must be addressed.
Key words: Communication ethics, Laudato Si’, Integral ecology, Media, ecological conversion
Resumen: A la luz de la encíclica Laudato Si', este artículo presenta la relación y la comunicación como elementos constitutivos de la realidad. "Todo está conectado". Todo el ecosistema es una red de relaciones y el hombre, imagen del Dios trinitario, es un ser dialógico y relacional. La primera parte del artículo estudia las bases teológicas y éticas de la comunicación y de la ecología integral. Todo ha sido creado a través de la Palabra y ha sido ordenado al encuentro fraterno y comunicativo. La segunda parte afirma la necesidad de conversión ecológica y después se centra en los medios de comunicación social. Estos son dones de Dios que pueden contribuir grandemente al fortalecimiento de los vínculos de comunicación y comunión. Sin embargo, también presentan desafíos éticos que es preciso abordar.
Palabras clave: Ética, Laudato Si', ecología integral, medios de comunicación, conversión ecológica.
1.1. Before the creatio ex nihilo, communication already existed
1.1.1. The Trinitarian communion: origin, pathway, and destiny of all that exists
1.1.2. “In the beginning was the Word”
1.1.3. Christ is the perfect Communicator
1.2. The human person, a dialogical and relational being
1.3. Unity in diversity
1.4. Creation is language, communication, encounter, relationship
1.4.1. Each creature bears in itself a Trinitarian structure
1.4.2. Everything has been created for the communicative encounter
2.1. Sin and ecological conversion
2.1.1. Sin breaks communication and communion
2.1.2. Ecological conversion
2.2. “Do not be afraid of new technologies!”
2.2.1. A critical approach to the media
2.2.2. From neutral instruments to reality configurators
2.2.3. Mental and media pollution
2.3. The media facilitate (and shape) our relationships
2.3.1. Loneliness, indifference and lack of empathy
2.3.2 Artificial emotions
2.4. Far from nature, far from the poor
Parole chiave: Communication ethics, Laudato Si’, Integral ecology, Media, ecological conversion, Ética, Laudato Si', ecologÃa integral, medios de comunicación, conversión ecológica.
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