Inicio > Revista Antonianum > Artículos > Salamon Jueves 16 Enero 2025

Revista Antonianum
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Foto Salamon Witold , Il primato della carità nel pensiero del beato Duns Scoto, in Antonianum, 87/4 (2012) p. 671-687 .

Summary: This article treats of a fundamental theme of Christian theology, charity, both as essential characteristic of God and as theological virtue in human beings. The Blessed John Duns Scotus put this theme at the centre of his theological vision. God is Love and wills that we become “co-loving” (condiligentes) with him. The notion of “co-loving” (condiligens) is the key word whereby the Subtle Doctor describes our Christian vocation, willed as such by God – essential Love.


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