Summary: After the Second Vatican Council the life of the Catholic Church teneded to be based on the principle of "communion" w... (Continua)
MartÃnez Fresneda Francisco,
CristologÃa y creación, in Antonianum 75/4 (2000) p. 653-680.
Summary: The object of the current work is to explore the possibility of an understanding of creation from a Christological startin... (Continua)
Chavero Blanco Francisco,
Immutatio dexterae altissimi. Lectura teológica de la conversión de San Francisco (Legenda maior Cap. 1), in Antonianum 75/4 (2000) p. 681-719.
Summary: This article analyses the account of the conversion of St. Francis as narrated in the Legenda Maior by St. Bonaventure. Beginnin... (Continua)
Marchitielli Elena,
Fede e ragione: un dramma del nostro tempo, in Antonianum 75/4 (2000) p. 721-758.
Summary: In this article the author starts with an important consideration in the understanding of the doctrinal impact of Fides et Ratio... (Continua)
Buffon Giuseppe ,
Tra ideali utopici e strategie di modernizzazione. L’ordine dei Frati minori nel secondo Ottocento: appunti per una storia dei processi di trasformazione della vita religiosa alle soglie delle modernità , in Antonianum 75/3 (2000) p. 527-543.
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Uribe Fernando,
“La natura nei Sermones di S. Antonio. Stato attuale della questione†, in Antonianum 75/3 (2000) p. 461-480.
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Castro Cayetano,
La pintura moderna, locus theologicus: La contribución de Georges Rouault, in Antonianum 75/3 (2000) p. 333-364.
Summary: To the Christian sensibility, it seems, modern art appears as something foreign to the religious realm. Theological reflection, however, has seen art as a wa... (Continua)
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Volgger David,
Heilige, kanonische Schriften, in Antonianum 75/3 (2000) p. 429-459.
Summary: This article explores the formation of the Holy Canonical Scriptures of Judaism. Of importance was the new evaluation of the Hol... (Continua)
Uribe Fernando,
La Natura nei Sermones di S. Antonio, in Antonianum 75/3 (2000) p. 461-480.
Summary: Given the frequent mention of creatures in the sermons of St. Anthony of Padua, and the manner in which they are treated therein... (Continua)
Paolazzi Carlo,
Gli “Scritti†tra Francesco e i suoi scrivani: un nodo da sciogliere, in Antonianum 75/3 (2000) p. 481-497.
Summary: Basing themselves on the fact that Francis of Assisi dictated a major portion of his Opuscula, Fr. K. Esser and other scholars h... (Continua)
Jaeger David M. ,
Erezione di circoscrizioni ecclesiastiche orientali, in Antonianum 75/3 (2000) p. 499-521.
Summary: An analysis of the Conciliar and legislative texts of the Church shows that provision for the pastoral care and spiritual needs ... (Continua)
Mertens Benedikt,
Franciscans and Parochial Ministry, in Antonianum 75/3 (2000) p. 523-554.
Summary: The active involvement of the Friars Minor in parish ministry has recently met with a certain unease in an order in search of ap... (Continua)
Galbiati Encrio,
Bio-bibliografia de P. Marco Adinolfi, in Antonianum 75/2 (2000) p. 215-234.
Summary: We are publishing in this number an account of the edited works of M. Adinolfi, professor emeritus of the Pontifical Athenaeum &... (Continua)
Huculak Benedykt,
De Graeco perito dialogi catholico-orthodoxi, Constantino Meliteniota, in Antonianum 75/2 (2000) p. 235-275.
Summary: The present article seeks to present the archdeacon Meliteniotes, an eminent but little known Greek prelate and theologian of th... (Continua)
Faggioni Maurizio,
Il Transessualismo. Questione antropologiche, etiche e canonistiche, in Antonianum 75/2 (2000) p. 277-310.
Summary: This article taken a close look at transsexualism, a grave psychiatric pathology that is characterised by a conflictual dissocia... (Continua)
Albrile Ezio,
I Magi e la “Madre celesteâ€, in Antonianum 75/2 (2000) p. 311-332.
Summary: The article analyses an aspect of that, which can be defined the gnosis of Aramaic area, in whose doctrinal channel flowed various syncretist elements of Ira... (Continua)
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Cenci Cesare,
Le constituzioni come fonti per studiare l’evoluzione della storia dei frati minori, in Antonianum 75/2 (2000) p. 365-372.
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Ãlvarez Barredo Miguel,
Perfiles literarios y teológicos de Jue 7 , in Antonianum 75/1 (2000) p. 3-40.
Summary : Judg 7 describes the victory of Gideon over the Midianites and, at the same time, reveals the military genius of this judge in ... (Continua)
Oviedo LluÃs,
Los errores historicos de la Iglesia en el contexto del debate apologetico. El arrepentimiento eclesial (II) , in Antonianum 75/1 (2000) p. 41-81.
Summary: This article tries to cope with the “historical errors” of the Church and to clarify the magisterial statements on r... (Continua)
Berger David,
Karl Rahners Gnadenlehre als Vermittlungsversuch zwischen Thomismus und Molinismus , in Antonianum 75/1 (2000) p. 83-115.
Summary: The German Jesuit Karl Rahner (1904-1984) has characterised himself frequently as a «Thomist». Starting from this ch... (Continua)
Mascarenhas Sidney J. ,
Other and Being: the Holy and the Sacred, in Antonianum 75/1 (2000) p. 117-145.
Summary: This article offers some clarifications on Levinas and Heidegger, the Other and Being, the Holy and the Sacred, and the Re... (Continua)
Ripanti Graziano,
La Pro-Vocazione del Nichilismo. , in Antonianum 75/1 (2000) p. 147-152.
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Parenti Stefano,
Un Praxapostolos Medievale Proveniente da S. Angelo Raparo , in Antonianum 75/1 (2000) p. 153-158.
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Anno 1999 |
Garuti Adriano,
Primato del Vescovo di Roma e Dialogo Cattolico/Luterano II, in Antonianum 74/4 (1999) p. 587-626.
Summary: In the first part of his study, the author presented the Lutheran vision of the primacy as well as a systematic analysis, within... (Continua)
Oviedo LluÃs,
Los errores históricos de la Iglesia en el contexto del debate apologético: El arrepentimiento eclesial, in Antonianum 74/4 (1999) p. 627-659.
Summary: This article examines the spread and influence of historical argument against the Church and the philosophical and moral implica... (Continua)
PospÃsil Ctirad Václav ,
La soteriologia di San Bonaventura nel periodo parigino della sua opera, in Antonianum 74/4 (1999) p. 661-683.
Summary: Soteriology is the axis around which revolves bonaveturian theology. This article highlights the traits and tendencies of Bonave... (Continua)
Begg Christopher,
King Saul’s First Sin According to Josephus, in Antonianum 74/4 (1999) p. 685-696.
Summary: Brief as it is, the narrative concerning Saul’s first sin in 1 Sam 13,7b-15a poses substantial problems concerning, e.g., ... (Continua)
Hochschild Michael,
Wo liegt die Zukunft der Kirche? Vom Milieu zum Netzwerk, in Antonianum 74/4 (1999) p. 697-724.
Summary: The church of today is experiencing a serious metamorphosis. The popular church of the past will hardly be the church of the future. But, will there be any c... (Continua)
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Garuti Adriano,
Primato del Vescovo di Roma e Dialogo Cattolico/Luterano, in Antonianum 74/3 (1999) p. 379-430.
SUMMARY: In this first part of the author's study, the question is approached by considering the Lutheran perspective on the primacy,... (Continua)
Battaglia Vincenzo,
Gesú Cristo Crocifisso Sposo della Chiesa. Prospettive di ricerca e traiettorie tematiche per l´elaborazione di una cristologia sponsiale , in Antonianum 74/3 (1999) p. 431-462.
Summary: The author presents some indications for an espousal Christology. It is linked to a recent essay where he was concerned about the relationship between Christ... (Continua)
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Lavilla MartÃn Miguel Ãngel ,
La sumisión a toda criatura por Dios, propuesta por Francisco de AsÃs. Un pasaje de la historia exegética de 1 P 2,13 , in Antonianum 74/3 (1999) p. 463-499.
Summary: Francis' proposal to be subject to everyone, even beasts, for God's sake, is based on 1P 2,13. These pages determine the original meaning of the Scri... (Continua)
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Buscemi Alfio Marcello ,
Gal 3,8-14 Le genti benedette in Abramo per la fede, in Antonianum 74/2 (1999) p. 195-225.
Summary: Gal 3: 8-14, nodal point of the Puline doctrine of justification by faith, was and is the object of numerous studies that attemp... (Continua)
Volgger David,
Auch in Israel haben die Toten eine Botschaft, in Antonianum 74/2 (1999) p. 227-252.
SUMMARY: This article sets forth and indicates different sources of Israelite relationship with death. It examines the archeological find... (Continua)
Andonegui Javier,
Rogerio Bacon: Su última obra sobre el significado, in Antonianum 74/2 (1999) p. 253-305.
Summary: The article offers an interpretation of the book, Compendium Studii Theologiae, Bacon’s last book and surely of great infl... (Continua)
Calvo Moralejo Gaspar,
El Espiritu santo, Cristo y Maria en la experiencia mÃstica de la M. Angeles Sorazu (1873 – 1921) , in Antonianum 74/2 (1999) p. 307-331.
Summary: This article examines the doctrine of Maria de los Angeles Sorazu, an important mystic, in order to get a better understan... (Continua)
Vázquez Janeiro Isaac,
¿Enrique de Villena o Diego Moxena de Valencia? En torno al autor de la primera traducción de la Divina Commedia (s. XV) , in Antonianum 74/1 (1999) p. 3-51.
Summary: The noble and erudite Spaniard, Enrique de Aragón (or de Villena), who translated Virgil’s Aeneid between 1427-1428... (Continua)
Morisi Marzia,
Le nozze miste nel Libro dei Vigilanti: una risposta della prima apocalittica al problema dell‘unde malum , in Antonianum 74/1 (1999) p. 53-96.
Summary: The article continues and completes the already published: “For the origin of the apocalyptic: from the ambivalence of the mystical Greek marriage to t... (Continua)
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Marchitielli Elena,
' Aφελε παντα ossia spogliati di tutto. Un‘ammonizione di Plotino , in Antonianum 74/1 (1999) p. 97-134.
Summary: The Plotinian admonition, “strip away everything,” differentiates itself from the detached declarations by the philosophical systems of the Helle... (Continua)
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Etzi Priamo,
L‘uomo tra diritti individuali e dimensione comunitaria dell‘esistere. Brevi riflessioni sui principi normativi superiori dei diritto umani. Valori etico-giuridici, personali e sociali , in Antonianum 74/1 (1999) p. 135-144.
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Oviedo LluÃs,
¿Sigue siendo necesario el motivo teológico del pecado original? , in Antonianum 74/1 (1999) p. 145-154.
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Anno 1998 |
Parente Matilde,
Educazione e promozione umana. Ricerca e pensiero di Roberto Zavalloni , in Antonianum 73/4 (1998) p. 631-678.
Summary: The present bio-bibliography is an hommage to the person and work of P. Roberto Zavalloni, one of the precursors of modern «Franciscan Psycho-pedagogy». Years of research an... (Continua)
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Boni Andrea,
La vita consacrata nel suo essere della Chiesa e non nella Chiesa , in Antonianum 73/4 (1998) p. 679-694.
Summary: The author focussed on the question wheter Consecrated Life belongs to the constitutive essence of the church. Against prevailing opinion, he affirms that Co... (Continua)
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PospÃsil Václav Citrad ,
L'architettura della soteriologia bonaventuriana , in Antonianum 73/4 (1998) p. 695-712.
Summary: More light is thrown on the relationship between the salvific dimension of the Incarnation and the redemption through the Cross in Bonaventurian soteriology ... (Continua)
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Faggioni Maurizio,
Il dibattito teologico sulla pena di morte , in Antonianum 73/4 (1998) p. 713-732.
Summary: Recently, the debate about the death penalty, its rational justification and social utility, has become more intense not only in the theological field, but a... (Continua)
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Ãlvarez Barredo Miguel,
Los relatos sobre los primeros jueces (jue 3,7-4). Enfoques literarios y teológicos, in Antonianum 73/3 (1998) p. 407-457.
In Jgs 2:11-19, we find a series of literary and theological keys that run through most of the book of Judges. These are formulas, which have been used to unify and armonize the stories of the J... (Continua)
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Volgger David,
1 Makk 1: Der Konflikt zwischen Hellenen und Juden - Die makkabäische Reichspropaganda, in Antonianum 73/3 (1998) p. 459-481.
Summary: The foregoing investigation demostrates that the religious edict (Macc. 1:46) supposedly issued by Antichous Epiphanes IV, is a fictional product of the reli... (Continua)
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Morisi Marzia,
Per l'origine dell'apocalittica: dall'ambivalenza delle nozze miste greche all'ambiguità delle nozze miste giudaiche, in Antonianum 73/3 (1998) p. 483-504.
Summary: This article presents a comparison between the Olympian Greek religious environment (as presented in the Theogony esiodea and in the Catalogue of Women works from the VIIth to the VIth ... (Continua)
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Spiteris Yannis,
Il ruolo della pneumatologia nella tradizione orientale , in Antonianum 73/3 (1998) p. 505-533.
Summary: The Orthodox tradition is not above all as pneumocentric as it may seem, but triadocentric, which considers both the divine life ad intra as well... (Continua)
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Diotallevi Luca,
Religione e modernizzazione: articolare l'approccio. Considerazioni previe all'analisi della religione di chiesa nel processo di modernizzazione, in Antonianum 73/3 (1998) p. 535-580.
Summary: The most recent debate, like the most recent researches about society and religion in Europe, had to deal with some phenomena called «ambiguities of se... (Continua)
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Armijos Jorge,
El amor, fundamento del matrimonio cristiano. Aspectos teológico-jurÃdicos , in Antonianum 73/3 (1998) p. 593-602.
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Ãlvarez Barredo Miguel,
Aspectos literarios y lectura teológica de Jue 2,6-3,6 , in Antonianum 73/2 (1998) p. 219-239.
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Begg Christopher,
The Assassination of Ishbosheth according to Josephus, in Antonianum 73/2 (1998) p. 241-253.
Summary: 2 Samuel 4 relates the ignominious end of Ishbosheth, Israel's shadow king, and the summary execution of the perpetrators by... (Continua)
Ago Lorenzo,
La questione critica intorno alla "Salutatio Beatae Mariae Virginis" di San Francesco di Assisi , in Antonianum 73/2 (1998) p. 255-303.
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Calvo Moralejo Gaspar,
Preexistencia del verbo encarnado y Maria en la M. Angeles Sorazu (1873-1921) , in Antonianum 73/2 (1998) p. 305-327.
Summary: Mother Angeles Sorazu (1873-1921), Franciscan Conceptionist of Valladolid in Spain and one of the most outstanding mystics of our century. The mystery ... (Continua)
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Auletta Gennaro,
Il problema della scelta di Dio. Un breve esame di una tesi di Leibniz alla luce della discussione medievale , in Antonianum 73/2 (1998) p. 329-344.
Summary: Leibniz' thesis that God chooses the best possible world is analyzed. Point of departure is the middle-age discussion: start... (Continua)
Amato Angelo,
Cristologia e inculturazione , in Antonianum 73/2 (1998) p. 345-357.
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Garuti Adriano,
Primato del Vescovo di Roma e dialogo cattolico-ortodosso , in Antonianum 73/1 (1998) p. 3-42.
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Cenci Cesare,
Sermoni anonimi già attribuiti a Pietro di Giovanni Olivi , in Antonianum 73/1 (1998) p. 43-77.
Summary: The Sermons, contained in codices Vat. Borghres, 54 and 69, ascribes to Peter OIlivi by J. B. Schneyer, are dated in the current article as 1291, the year of... (Continua)
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Carmody Maurice,
I quattro principi dell'Unione Leonina 1897: sfondo e contesto , in Antonianum 73/1 (1998) p. 79-109.
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Mailleux Romain,
La Legislazione dell'O.F.M. dopo l'Unione Leonina: sussulti, progressi, questioni , in Antonianum 73/1 (1998) p. 111-130.
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Nobile Marco,
Recensione: GEORG FISCHER, Il libro di Geremia , in Antonianum 73/1 (1998) p. 154-155.
Il Fischer offre con questa sua fatica un frutto lieve, eppur succoso e nutriente,... (Continua)
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