Newsletter > 11/03/2014 Friday 26 April 2024

New book on Colette de Corbie

Place: PUA - Roma
Date: 11/03/2014
PUA New book on Colette de Corbie (Acta of the 7th Study day on Franciscan women held November 17, 2012)
Colette de Corbie. Ripartire da Cristo sulle orme di Chiara. Atti della VII Giornata di studio sull'Osservanza francescana al femminile (Assisi - Monastère S. Colette, 17 novembre 2012), Edizioni Porziuncola, Assisi 2014, pp. 96, euro 14,00.
This book covers the more important and significant moments in Colette de Corbie's evangelical adventure so as to harvest its wealth for today. The book tries to understand the history, cultures and spirituality of Colette and her time period considering the ecclesiastical and Franciscan environment in which she found herself. Eventually a comparison will need to be made between what was also going on with the Poor Clares of the Observant movement in the Italian peninsula. The volume contains contributions by Therese Myriam Chaumont, Giuseppe Buffon, Marie Colette Roussey, Monica Benedetta Umiker, André Vauchez, Ludovic Viallet.
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