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Rivista Antonianum
Articoli 2010 - 2025 (71/723)


12 libri pubblicati dopo 2019 (2013, 2019, 2023, JP-2000-3)

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Anno 2016
Carbajo Núñez Martín, Global ethical challenges in the light of the encyclical Laudato Si' and the Jubilee of Mercy, in Antonianum 91/2 (2016) p. 333-360.
In the light of both the Jubilee of Mercy (2016) and the Encyclical Laudato Si' , this article analyzes some global ethical challenges, which reflect an unmerciful world, and makes some suggestion... (Continua) (File allegato)
Anno 2015
Carbajo Núñez Martín, Le sfide dell’era digitale per la vita consacrata, in Antonianum 90/4 (2015) p. 897-918.

Summary: In the Year of Consecrated Life (2015), this article analyzes the challenges which the new digital age presents to human beings and, more specifically, to the consecrated ... (Continua) (File allegato)

Anno 2014
Carbajo Núñez Martín, La gioia di evangelizzare: potenzialità della via pulchritudinis e del linguaggio narrativo, in Antonianum 89/4 (2014) p. 571-609.
This article analyzes the challenges for evangelization in today's media culture, paying particular attention to Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium': In the &... (Continua) (File allegato)
Anno 2013
Stock Klemens, Dio Padre nei vangeli di Luca e Giovanni , in Antonianum 88/2 (2013) p. 215-216.
Villota Herrero Salvador, «En las (cosas) de mi Padre» Del trasfondo paterno divino en Lc 1-2 a la respuesta filial de Jesus en Lc 2,49, in Antonianum 88/2 (2013) p. 217-238.

Summary: According to Luke, already in His first words Jesus ... (Continua)

Morales Rios Jorge Humberto , Dio e Giuseppe: due paternità in concorrenza? La risposta di Luca 1-4, in Antonianum 88/2 (2013) p. 239-269.

Sommario: Summary: The reader of St. Luke's Gospel becomes aware that in the fi... (Continua)

Malina Artur, Paternità di Dio e preghiera filiale. (Le 11,8 nel suo contesto), in Antonianum 88/2 (2013) p. 271-287.

Summary: Jesus's exhortation to pray concerns an issue of fundamental importance for the theology of the Gospel of Luke. The parable following the instruction on... (Continua)

Sànchez Navarro Luis, Una presenza salvifica. Il Padre nel mistero pasquale di Gesù secondo Luca, in Antonianum 88/2 (2013) p. 289-299.

Summary: The Father's presence in the Passion of Jesus becomes concrete in four cha... (Continua)

Malina Artur, Dio Padre e testimone del Figlio (Gv 1,32-34), in Antonianum 88/2 (2013) p. 301-313.

Summary: The baptism received by Jesus from John is narrated by the Synoptic Gospels. T... (Continua)

Sànchez Navarro Luis, Il grande testimone. La testimonianza del Padre a Gesù nel vangelo secondo Giovanni, in Antonianum 88/2 (2013) p. 315-331.

Summary: In the Fourth Gospel there are different testimonies that converge in Jesus; i... (Continua)

Morales Rios Jorge Humberto , Il Padre, datore dei beni al figlio. Alcuni aspetti di paterologia in Gv 17,1-5, in Antonianum 88/2 (2013) p. 333-356.

Sommario: Summary: Cardinal A. Vanhoye offers a valuable description of the Father by r... (Continua)

Visala Aku, Contexts and Currents of Contemporary Protestant Theology: a Scandinavian Perspective , in Antonianum 88/1 (2013) p. 25-39.

Summary: The Lutheran church and Lutheran theology have had a deep influence in Scandinavian societies over the last 500 years. This is t... (Continua)

Evangelisti Paolo, Bernardino da Siena e l’Osservanza: la proposta di una religione civile, in Antonianum 88/1 (2013) p. 41-72.

Summary: This study highlights the contribution made by St. Bernardine of Siena to social and political ethics. Through the virtue of car... (Continua)

Bartoli Marco, Poveri e povertà, da Francesco d’Assisi a Bernardino da Siena, in Antonianum 88/1 (2013) p. 73-89.

Summary: This study analyses the contents of the Lenten sermon that Bernardine of Siena delivers in Florence, in 1425, from which there e... (Continua)

Riccardi Nicola, Bernardino e il pensiero economico dell’Osservanza: bene comune e interesse privato, in Antonianum 88/1 (2013) p. 91-110.

Summary: Starting from the Franciscan Observance and the socio-economic characteristics of the 1400’s, this study underlines the co... (Continua)

Albrile Ezio, La pieve del sagittario. Gnostici e astromanti a Roccaforte Mondovì, in Antonianum 88/1 (2013) p. 111-130.

Summary: Romanesque Art contains very old recollections in its manifestations. In fact, a few iconographic representations of this Art th... (Continua)

Anno 2012
Dotolo Carmelo, Con quale Cristianesimo? In ascolto dei segni del tempo post-moderno, in Antonianum 87/4 (2012) p. 649-659.

Summary: However ambiguous and complex it may be, post-modernity is a sign of the times. Only within contemporary symbols, speech and val... (Continua)

Todisco Orlando, Dal diritto-a-essere al dono-dell’essere. Rilettura francescana della modernità e della post-modernità, in Antonianum 87/4 (2012) p. 661-669.

Summary: From the right to being to the gift of being. – The season of claiming the right-to-be, and the radical autonomy in thinki... (Continua)

Salamon Witold, Il primato della carità nel pensiero del beato Duns Scoto, in Antonianum 87/4 (2012) p. 671-687.

Summary: This article treats of a fundamental theme of Christian theology, charity, both as essential characteristic of God and as theolo... (Continua)

Perriello Ricardo Lucio, San Bernardo di Chiaravalle come simbolo dell’autoconoscenza nella lettura platonica della “Divina Commediaâ€, in Antonianum 87/4 (2012) p. 689-714.

Summary: This article sets out to interpret the personage of St. Bernard of Clairvaux as a symbol of self-knowledge, within a metaphysica... (Continua)

Újházy Lóránd, Raccolta e conservazione delle informazioni prima della nomina dei vescovi cattolici, in Antonianum 87/4 (2012) p. 715-741.

Summary: In this study, the operative canonical regulation of data collection, and its difficulties, are discussed. Data collection, stor... (Continua)

Cavicchia Alessandro, «Guarderanno a colui che hanno trafitto»: Studio di ermeneutica cristologica Su Zac 12,10 in Gv 19,37 (1ª parte), in Antonianum 87/3 (2012) p. 205-257.

Summary: This paper studies the history of the textual form and the interpretations of Zech 12,10, cited in Joh19,37. Textual inquiry rec... (Continua)

Carbajo Núñez Martín, Los principios de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Una lectura desde la perspectiva de la libertad, in Antonianum 87/3 (2012) p. 487-520.

Abstract: In this article, the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church are presented as an expression of the inalienable human freedom. In contrast with the philosophies that in... (Continua)

Mursia Antonio, La presenza francescana a Catania prima del terremoto del 1693: modalità di insediamento e dinamiche di espansione, in Antonianum 87/3 (2012) p. 475-485.

Summary: The author, proposes to analyse the strategies, as it were, implemented in order to settle in the city of Catania, in the course... (Continua)

Oviedo Lluis, Discerning Lacunae in Church Governance: Organisational, Juridical and Theological Aspects, in Antonianum 87/3 (2012) p. 521-548.

Summary: The awareness of limits and failures in Church management in the last decades, wijely denounced in the media, motivates a theolo... (Continua)

Manns Fréderic, A Jewish Approach to the Gospel of John. Prima parte, in Antonianum 87/2 (2012) p. 259-279.

Summary: The Third Quest of the Historical Jesus argues that Jesus was an itinerant prophet proclaiming an eschatological message. The Je... (Continua)

Melone Mary, L’universalità dell’azione salvifica dello Spirito: una prospettiva medievale. Terza parte: il De missione Spiritus sancti di Riccardo di S.Vittore, in Antonianum 87/2 (2012) p. 281-299.

Summary: By evaluating the sermon of Richard of S. Victor, De missione Spiritus Sancti, the route of research on the pneumatological meaning of Sap 1,7 ends. Richard... (Continua)

Barcelló Rafael Ramis, Filolosofía de la religión y mal en el Joven MacIntyre, in Antonianum 87/2 (2012) p. 301-327.

Summary: This paper tries to study the contribution of MacIntyre to Philosophical Theology throughout the analysis of problem of evil in ... (Continua)

Uribe Fernando, ¿Tres redacciones del memoriale de Tomás de Celano? Una propuesta para analizar, in Antonianum 87/2 (2012) p. 329-345.
Cifrak Mario, „Laß die Toten ihre Toten begraben“ (Q 9,60) Das Motiv der Zögerung in der Nachfolge Jesu, in Antonianum 87/1 (2012) p. 11-24.

Summary: The motive for the proposed delay in following Jesus is, in the Synoptic tradition, taken over from the Elijah and Elisha cycle ... (Continua)

Hoffmann Tobias, La teoria antinaturalistica della libertà in Giovanni Duns Scoto, in Antonianum 87/1 (2012) p. 25-39.

Abstract: This article studies Duns Scotus’s account of freedom in its metaphysical, psychological, and moral dimensions. The metap... (Continua)

Pica Jerome, La passione di Cristo nel B. Giovanni Duns Scoto, in Antonianum 87/1 (2012) p. 41-59.

Summary: This study examines some peculiarities of Bl. John Duns Scotus’s soteriology. The Subtle Doctor offers a theological interpretation of Christ’s s... (Continua)

Kopiec Maksym Adam, Il linguaggio teologico e i suoi aspetti pricipali, in Antonianum 87/1 (2012) p. 61-91.

Summary: Theological knowledge, whose main subject is the God who reveals Himself, also speculates about the nature of the language neede... (Continua)

Klimas Narcyz, Itinerari, Guide, Racconti, Tradizioni o Abitudini dei Pellegrini in Terra Santa, in Antonianum 87/1 (2012) p. 93-144.

Summary: Pilgrimages in the Holy Land that include Mount Sion are always of great interest. Taking into consideration this challenge I tr... (Continua)

Pérez , Le sanzioni penali per i membri di istituti di vita consacrata e di società di vita apostolica che formalizzano una convivenza non matrimoniale civilmente riconosciuta, in Antonianum 87/1 (2012) p. 145-168.

Summary 1. Foreword. - 2. Attempted-marriage and concubinage - 2.1. Attempted-marriage suspension, interdiction irregularity, dismissall ... (Continua)

Anno 2011
Morales Ríos Jorge H, L'agire del Padre nella risurrezione di Gesù: culmine narrativo e teologico del vangelo di Marco, in Antonianum 86/4 (2011) p. 657-694.

Sommario: Una lettura lineare dell’intera opera porta ad affermare che soltan... (Continua)

Morales Ríos Jorge Humberto, L’agire del Padre nella risurrezione di Gesù, culmine narrativo e teologico del Vangelo di Marco, in Antonianum 86/4 (2011) p. 657-694.

Sommario: Una lettura lineare dell’intera opera porta ad affermare che soltan... (Continua)

Lazzaro Boris, Lo strumentario sonoro del libro di Amos, in Antonianum 86/4 (2011) p. 695-737.

Summary: After the studies of R. Wellek and A. Warren (Theory of Literature, Harmon... (Continua)

Kopiec Maksym Adam, Il linguaggio religioso nel contesto delle moderne teorie del linguaggio, in Antonianum 86/4 (2011) p. 739-781.

Summary: In the post-modern context philosophical research – as defined by th... (Continua)

Albrile Ezio, L’epica mancata. Appunti di biopolitica gnostica, in Antonianum 86/4 (2011) p. 783-807.

Summary: The Homeric epos is an opportunity given to Gnosticism to tell the tragic ... (Continua)

Herrero Salvador Villota, El «Conoscimento activo» del Padre. Mc 13,32 en el contexto del discurso escatológico marcano., in Antonianum 86/3 (2011) p. 419-434.

Summary: In the “logion of ignorance,” handed on in Mk 13,32, Jesus aff... (Continua)

Kaswalder Pietro, Il santuario “alla porta della cittàâ€, in Antonianum 86/3 (2011) p. 435-450.

Summary: The Author presents some recent findings of the archaeological excavations... (Continua)

Melone Mary, L’universalità dell’azione salvifica dello Spirito Santo. Parte II., in Antonianum 86/3 (2011) p. 451-470.

Summary: In the twelfth century, the use of SAP 1.7 for the composition... (Continua)

Pieraccini Paolo, Girolamo Golubovich e la fondazione dell’Archivum Franciscanum Historicum (gennaio 1907 – aprile 1908). Parte II, in Antonianum 86/3 (2011) p. 471-505.
Carbajo Núñez Martín, Economía y Comunicación a la luz de la Tradición Franciscana, in Antonianum 86/2 (2011) p. 258-306.
Summary: In the light of the Franciscan tradition, this paper analyzes the actual relationship between economy and communication. The economy goes better when fraternal communications are encouraged ... (Continua) (File allegato)
Navarro Luis Sánchez, El Padre de Jesús en Marcos, in Antonianum 86/2 (2011) p. 225-236.

Summary: In the Gospel of Mark, the texts explicitly regarding the Father of Jesus ... (Continua)

Melone Mary, L’universalità dell’azione salvifica dello Spirito. Una prospettiva medievale. Parte I, in Antonianum 86/2 (2011) p. 237-258.

Summary: Against the background of the present debate concerning the significance t... (Continua)

Solares Cristóbal, Antropología y psicología en Martín Buber, in Antonianum 86/2 (2011) p. 307-318.

Summary: The Author carries out here close research into the anthropological though... (Continua)

Rodríguez Román Francisco Javier, Adolf Reinach y Edith Stein: una investigación fenomenológica sobre el derecho, in Antonianum 86/2 (2011) p. 319-334.

Summary: This article expounds the thought, on the a priori foundation of law, of Adolf Reinach, a German phenomenological philosopher, disciple of Edmund Husserl and... (Continua)

Pieraccini Paolo, Girolamo Golubovich e la fondazione dell’Archivum Franciscanum Historicum (gennaio 1907- aprile 1908). Parte I, in Antonianum 86/2 (2011) p. 335-360.

Summary: On 10 January 1907, the Definitory of the Order of Friars Minor charged Fr... (Continua)

Carbajo Núñez Martín, Economía y comunicación a la luz de la encíclica ‘Caritas in Veritate’, in Antonianum 86/1 (2011) p. 47-93.

This paper affirms the present need of bringing back together economy and communication, putting an end to the separation that Modernity has created between the logic of efficiency and the logic... (Continua) (File allegato)

Malina Artur, Dio Padre secondo Marco. Quadro generale e Paterologia implicita, in Antonianum 86/1 (2011) p. 29-46.

Summary: This paper proposes an analysis of the image of God the Father in the Gospel of Mark. An absence of such terms as ≪fathe... (Continua)

Anno 2010
Casalini Nello, La novità del Sacerdozio di Cristo. Riflessioni esegetico-teologiche sulla Lettera agli Ebrei, in Antonianum 85/4 (2010) p. 531-566.

Summary: In this essay iI have shown the novelty of Christ's priesthood, its un... (Continua)

Etzi Priamo, L'apporto dei Francescani alla crescita di forme di governo rappresentativo nell'Europa medioevale, in Antonianum 85/4 (2010) p. 567-585.

Summary: This study considers the institutional construction of the Order of Friars... (Continua)

Vedova Massimo, "Leggere" il Memoriale di Angela Da Foligno, in Antonianum 85/4 (2010) p. 587-616.

Summary: The Author proposes a reading in depth of this central document of the bod... (Continua)

Feierman Jay R., Pedophilia: Its Relationship to the Homosexualities and the Roman Catholic Church. II, in Antonianum 85/4 (2010) p. 617-649.

Summary: This is Part II of a two-part article addressing the relationship of pedop... (Continua)

Begg Christopher T., Joseph's Two Dreams According to Josephus and Philo, in Antonianum 85/3 (2010) p. 355-375.

Summary: Gen 37, 1-11 tells of the inauspicious of Joseph's career with the you... (Continua)

Kopiec Maksym Adam, il concetto cristiano della rivelazione nel contesto del pluralismo religioso, in Antonianum 85/3 (2010) p. 377-398.

Summary: The contemporary debate on religious pluralism must motivate Christian to maintain an essential unity in their attitude towards ... (Continua)

Perella Salvatore M., Giovanni Paolo II "Doctor Marianus" del nostro tempo (1978-2005), in Antonianum 85/3 (2010) p. 399-430.
Klimas Narcyz, Le "Relazioni" dei Custodi nella storiografia della Custodia di Terra Santa, in Antonianum 85/3 (2010) p. 431-449.

Summary: In pre-digital times, before photocopying and carbon paper, communications sent elsewhere did not always leave behind a true cop... (Continua)

Feierman Jay R., Pedophilia: its Relationship to the Homosexualities and Roman Catholic Church. I., in Antonianum 85/3 (2010) p. 451-477.

Summary: The issue of sexual advances by Roman Catholic priests and religious broth... (Continua)

Perella Salvatore M., Giovanni Paolo II "Doctor Marianus" del nostro tempo (1978-2005). I. A cinque anni dalla morte: per una memoria grata, in Antonianum 85/2 (2010) p. 189-220.

Summary: Five years after the death of John Paul II, the Author offers a synthesis of the late Pontiff's Marian teaching, which is deepy rooted in the doctrine of... (Continua)

Vitiello Salvatore, La spirito-cristologia di Roger haight: un modello in questione. II. Approccio critico, in Antonianum 85/2 (2010) p. 221-242.
Oviedo Lluis, Is there a limit to religious decline?, in Antonianum 85/2 (2010) p. 243-271.

Summary: Theology needs to pay attention to "signs of the time" as a requirement to cope with current challenges. An analysis on the ongoing process of secu... (Continua)

Klimas Narcyz, Il Cronologo e il Segretario di Terra Santa, in Antonianum 85/2 (2010) p. 273-288.

Summary: The Author, a Church historian who is the Archivist of the Custody of the Holy Land, researches here the respective roles of the Cronichler and the Secretary... (Continua)

Pazzini Massimo, Padre Mario da Calascio grammatico e lessicografo. Il Dizionario ebraico-latino-volgare, in Antonianum 85/2 (2010) p. 289-300.

Sommario: Il presente contributo tratta del lessico ebraico-latino-volgare di P. Mario da Calascio (Roma 1617). Viene prima indagato il genere letterario "Lessic... (Continua)

Buffon Giuseppe, L’atteggiamento dei francescani verso l’Islam dell’ultimo Impero ottomano. Quale cristianesimo e quale islam, in Antonianum 85/1 (2010) p. 19-44.

Summary: In the matter of relations between Christianity and Islam, the position of the Franciscans of the Holy Land, although not without a general basic orientation... (Continua)

HARSÃNYI Pál Ottó, Amministratori o usufruttuari del creato. II. Verso un'etica ambientale cristiana, in Antonianum 85/1 (2010) p. 45-79.

Summary: A Christian's relationship with creation is grounded in both the theology of creation and its eschatological fulfilment. The biblical command 'dominium... (Continua)

Lamy Alice, Les arguments de potentia divina sur la structure du continu dans l' oeuvre de Walter Burley, in Antonianum 85/1 (2010) p. 81-96.

Summary: Walter Burley is know for having challenged in his writings William of Ockham, not only on logic but also on central questions of natural philosophy that inv... (Continua)

Vitiello Salvatore, La spirito-cristologia di Roger Haight: un modello in questione. I. Esposizione del problema, in Antonianum 85/1 (2010) p. 97-132.

Summary: The pronuncements of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are sometimes considered by some to be excessive in their strictures. Perphas this is so ... (Continua)

Anno 2014
Carbajo Núñez Martín, Il custodire francescano, in Antonianum 2-3 (2014) p. 471-480.
La Pontificia Università Antonianum, rifacendosi al "Doctor Evangelicus", è impegnata a custodire il ricco patrimonio della tradizione francescana, attraverso lo studio, l'... (Continua) (File allegato)
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